Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pure Barre Travels

My Pure Barre fun continues. A week and a half ago I traveled to Denver for a third round of training. It was a quick trip, but this time I had another instructor with me. We had the chance to travel around the downtown city area the first day, and then day two was spent in the studio learning new moves before flying home - I told you it was a quick trip! Coincidentally, my younger brother, Kevin, was also in Denver for work. Sadly our schedules didn't align and we weren't able to meet for dinner or say hi.
Training with the double bands at corporate, in Denver
I'm having a blast teaching classes and my love for the technique seems to be spreading to other family members. My mom says she is hooked, and Jill, my sister-in-law is also increasing the amount of classes she attends each week. Now, if only I can get Drew to a couple of classes... We are hosting a Man Up and Tuck event next week. I'm crossing my fingers our kickball team won't need us and he will participate. The event is basically a regular PB class, but guys are invited to take and will get a Man Up and Tuck t-shirt. The studio also offers beer and wine after class. We're working on partnering up with the bar next door to offer drink specials and appetizers, but nothing is definite yet.

Surprisingly, this summer the studio has seen an influx of clients. We've added a handful of extra classes to the schedule, offering more than 40 each week. More classes = more teaching for me which I am not complaining about. I absolutely love teaching, meeting clients and answering questions. On the other hand, all this PB teaching and marketing projects has left me with very little time to study real estate outside of all the house work. I am really disappointed in myself that I still have not taken the test.  I know I need to just suck it up and study, making it a priority. especially before I forget everything I learned in class.

Military Madness

Yikes! Tomorrow is the last day of July! Where does the time go? I can't say I am surprised though it's been one heck of a month; one busy summer! But, we're embracing it and trying to enjoy every second together.
Rewind back two-and-a-half weeks...  Drew and I had a ball to attend! Our second military ball and I must admit I was excited to get dressed up and go dancing. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of dancing from the two of us, but Drew surprised me and his eldest sister by submitting us for a service award. The two of us, along with about 6 other women were awarded the Molly Pitcher award - "The Honorable Order of Molly Pitcher is bestowed by the U.S. Field Artillery Association and the Air Defense Artillery Association to recognize women who have voluntarily contributed in a significant way to the improvement of the U.S. Field Artillery or Air Defense Artillery Communities. The award is named after Molly Pitcher who distinguished herself during the American revolutionary war."

To wrap up the night Drew and I did a little Pure Barre. The studio is holding a contest throughout the month of July, encouraging clients to post pictures doing Pure Barre moves outside of the studio. We're calling it "tuck around town". There is also a contest between the instructors, and the best picture between instructors gets a special prize. I couldn't let the moment pass by of the two of us dressed up in our formal attire so we did our own tuck around town photo at the ball. God bless my husband for supporting my crazy ideas!
The following day the military events continued. It was the annual family picnic. As commander Drew hosted the event, but had an amazing group of women behind him who had been planning the event for months. The women did a FANTASTIC job organizing the entire day and making sure all the kids had a good time. Unfortunately, I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did get one of the two of us wearing our Army shirts, playing in the whiffle ball tourney, as well as one when the local firefighters showed up to cool off the kids. Considering the heat that day, it was definitely needed! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Nearly a Washout

Well our 4th of July was definitely a washout, but the entire weekend wasn't a complete loss. We had planned to visit a nearby water park July 4th, but with all of the rain, opted to stay inside, watch a movie and play around in the kitchen. Drew baked cookies and I made a homemade fruit salsa. We packed up our goodies and spent the evening at my parents house for dinner. My older brother was busy, but it was nice having my parents and younger brother around to catch up. I hadn't seen Kevin in a while, and my parents hadn't seen Drew for some time.

The rain continued on into Friday. We both did our own thing in the morning - Drew helped with a military funeral and I worked out and taught at the studio. It was crazy how many road closures there were and how difficult it was to drive from point A to point B. We took advantage of the short break in the rain towards mid afternoon to do some gardening. Drew had been wanting to plant flowers in the front yard for some time and we were finally together at home to do it. I, on the other hand, have no green thumb. I've tried planting flowers in the past and the buds always fall off and the flower dies. I find it frustrating and a waste of money. Drew wouldn't accept that as an answer or excuse and we went out together to add some color to our yard - make it a mature/adult yard. I'm not exactly sure what type of flowers Drew bought other than they are perennials. I've been carefully watering the flowers every morning and crossing my fingers they will at least make it through the month!

Mother Nature didn't forget about Saturday either. It rained ALL MORNING! Thankfully, the rain tapered off into the evening and we were able to enjoy the night out at the casino. We bought tickets to the Barenaked Ladies concert and it was held outdoors at the casino. It was my first time seeing BNL in concert and visiting the casino.. or any casino for that matter. I was a little underwhelmed when we first entered the casino. I think I was expecting an extremely GRAND building inside. It definitely seemed smaller than I imagined. We played a few slot machines and I even came out as the big winner between Drew, Jill and myself. I won a whopping $6.25! WOO HOO! lol. I would have kept playing but I really didn't like the game so I cashed out for a voucher.
The concert was a lot of fun too. I was shocked by how long the two opening acts played. Maybe because we had been hanging around at the casino for hours before the concert, and it seemed as though we waited FOREVER, but it didn't seem as though BNL played for very long. Regardless, we had a lot of fun and it was nice to get out and do something while we were both not busy. All of the bands were really entertaining and interacted with the crowd a lot.

Overall, it was a fun, eventful weekend. It felt like an even longer one too despite the usual time together. I'm looking forward to this upcoming weekend. We have a lot on our calendar including a military dance and military picnic! Let the fun begin :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

10 Years Later

Amplatzer Device
It's hard to believe this year/month marks 10 years since I had my heart surgery. I had my 10 year check-up this afternoon and everything looks good. My heart is still going strong and the Amplatzer Device is still in place and doing its job. For those of you who may not know my story, in June 2003 I had heart surgery to fix an Atrial Septal defect (ASD) AKA a hole between two chambers in my heart. I found out about the hole thanks to my Primary Care Doctor. It was my first check-up with him, a required sports physical to play volleyball. During my physical he heard a murmur which I never knew about. The murmur led to more tests and consultations, which eventually lead to repairing the ASD. The crazy thing about the Amplatzer device is that it's a relatively knew device - doctors have been using the device less than 50 years. However, the awesome thing is doctors were able to fix my whole without cracking my ribs or doing anything invasive. The device gets as small as a pencil lead. It's put through a vein in the leg and snaked up to the heart where it is put in place. One side of the mess sits up against one side of the heart wall. The second side of mess expands on the other and bam!, the hole is filled. (Originally they thought my hole was the size of a dime, once inside it was about the size of a nickel.)

For the first time I got to see the device working while the nurse took my ECHO. Normally I don't pay much attention; they do their thing and I watch TV, but this nurse took time out to point out the device on the screen, which is now covered a little with tissue.

It's amazing the things people come up with and are able execute when it comes to medicine. I will always be grateful to my Primary Care Doctor for finding the murmur and my doctor who performed my surgery.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Compliment Gone Bad

It's no secret Drew and I spend time apart, but we never go a day without talking on the phone. And, occasionally there are text messages in between. Texts are easy ways we let each other know we are thinking of the other. At some point in our relationship (I don't know when it started) Drew randomly sent me a text that said, "you look pretty today". Of course, he had no idea what I looked like, but it was a sweet thought and it has continued to randomly pop up on my phone screen over the last few years. We usually have fun with it and it turns into a big joke between us. After working out and teaching on Friday I grabbed my things to leave and found "You look nice today!" on my phone. At the time I was a hot mess - literally - from sweating all morning, but it definitely made me smile. I found out later that another Soldier, one of Drew's friends, heard what Drew wrote and decided to send one to his wife.... Unfortunately, she did not smile when she read it. Their conversation wasn't as humorous/playful.
Soldier: You look nice today!
Wife: Who was that for?
Solider: You
Wife: WTF. Why the h*ll would you write that?
The Soldier then had to CALL his wife and smooth everything out, explaining that he got the idea from Drew and it wasn't meant for anyone else - just her. Drew and I, of course, got a huge kick out of it. The poor guy was just trying to send a compliment to his wife, letting her know he was thinking of her, and she was not buying it. Needless to say he will never do that again. He even commented while I was talking to Drew that he will never make that mistake again. I suppose it just goes to show that every couple is different.

Sadly, I think that is the highlight from my weekend. I did spend some time with our neighbors on Saturday and a new family moved into the home behind us. I've heard through the grape vine that the family has a 10 and 14 year old. Honestly, I didn't know the former family too well. They did have a Great Dane, Fenway, who would get all wound up when Lexi came outside. They would stare and growl at each other from their sides of the fence. Fenway is a lot older and larger than Lexi. He even knocked part of the fence down a couple of times from jumping up on to it so much.

The weekend wrapped up with a dinner to celebrate Matt's birthday. Kevin couldn't make it, but it was still nice having the four of us together. I have a feeling down the road it's going to get even harder trying to get everyone together. Matt just moved into his own house, Kevin has his own place and I/we have our own. I hope we continue to find time to get together every now and then and not use an excuse that someone is too far, out of the way, etc. Family is too important not to make time for one another.

I'm hoping this week will be a productive one. I have not been able to get as much done over the last few days as I would have like.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Men In My Life

I feel very lucky to have four very important guys in my life; my husband, dad, and brothers. While I love my brothers, this post will center more around my dad and Drew. I might be a few days behind (even more today since I started this days ago and fell asleep typing), but Happy Fathers Day to my wonderful father! I feel so blessed and lucky to grow up and learn from such a hard working man. He's taught me a lot over the last 27 years and I know I can ask him for his help or advice whenever I need it. Every Fathers Day my dad's family holds a picnic at a nearby park. I unfortunately had to sit this year's out due to allergies. They came on out of nowhere and are still driving me crazy! I taught this morning and my voice kept cracking because it's so dry and irritated. At least I was able to sleep a little bit better last night.

I can't say for certain, but I think my allergies were heightened following my trip up north for Drew's promotion. Drew finally had his promotion to Commander. I am so proud of him for being promoted to the Commander of Bravo Battery. Drew was in Bravo, as the Executive Officer (XO), when he was deployed so I think it has a soft place in his heart. I've learned over the last couple of weeks that it's very rare for an XO to become a Commander of the same battery due to respect issues. Higher ups feel that a former XO of a battery won't receive respect as a Commander. I think it tells a lot about Drew's relationship with other Soldiers that he is taking Command of the same Battery he was an XO. It's going to be a lot of extra work and responsibility for him, but I know he will do an amazing job and handle the role with pride!

As you may recall, Drew was originally going to take Command last month, but due to various paperwork reasons, etc. it was pushed back to this month. Well, I had planned ahead and ordered a special cake for him when I ordered our anniversary cake. I told one of the Majors who broke the news to Drew and me about the change in date that he owed me a cake. I even took him in a piece of the cake I ordered to indicate just how good of a cake he owed me. While I don't have a picture of it he delivered! He picked up a Reece Cup ice cream cake to celebrate. The poor guy called dozens of shops near Camp Perry trying to find a bakery that had a gluten free cake I could enjoy! Not only was I able to enjoy the ice cream cake he brought, but I was also presented with a bouquet of beautiful roses. It's the Army's way of thanking wives/significant others for their continued support.
Overall it was a wonderful trip - well worth the drive. I am so glad I was able to take part in this exciting chapter of Drew's career!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Queen Bee Lands

10-15,000 bees landed in our yard Saturday! Yes, I did mean to write thousands!
I unfortunately was not around to witness the phenomenon of the honeybees, but Drew handled it with flying bees colors! I was taking my last real estate class up when he sent me a text telling me we had bees. I think he eventually said there were probably hundreds. I, on the other hand, imagined 20 or so buzzing around a bush. In that case, when he said he called a bee keeper I thought he was being a bit extreme. Not to mention I wondered how he even thought to call a bee keeper, much less get a hold of one. Then, these pictures started showing up on my phone:
Holy cow! I practically gasped out loud in class! These pictures don't even do it justice. I saw some other pictures on his phone that he didn't send me which are even more clear and astonishing. The whole situation was crazy. As I mentioned, I originally thought he was over exaggerating and when he asked what to do I told him to bomb the bees with some spray we had from last summer. Thank heavens he was smarter than that and didn't bomb the bees. The bees would have been pi$$ed off and probably stung him to death. Instead, the bee keeper came and shook them off the tree into the box and took them home in his station wagon. Yes, he took them home in his car. 
The whole situation has turned into an educational experience. The bee keeper explained it like this... the queen bee happened to land on our branch so ALL 10-15,000 bees followed her. This happens between 10am and 2pm. Drew noticed the bees around 1:30. While the queen waits, a few 'scout' bees fly around looking for the bee's permanent home. That's what was happening in our backyard. The bees were waiting to hear where the permanent home was going to be, which is where they would start making honey. We, of course, did/do not want that permanent home in our backyard so close to our house and Lexi. According to some of the information we found, honeybees love to live in housesWe had no qualms about giving up our swarm of bees to the bee keeper, especially since it only takes the bees 24 to 48 hours to find their home. We needed to act fast. I am happy to say that the bee keeper was able to show up Saturday and take the bees away. Of course, it took me until yesterday (Monday) to actually cut the grass in the back yard near that tree. Even after we had some rain I was still nervous to go near the tree. I made no effort to actually walk under that tree to get the grass like I had done in the past.
The funny thing about the whole situation is that if it were the other way around, Drew would never have believed me either if I said there were hundreds of bees outside. He would have responded the exact same way, telling me to just spray them. I just can't say that I would have been thoughtful enough (ok "smart enough") to call a bee keeper. I would have probably freaked out and locked myself inside.
Thankfully, no one got hurt/stung in any of the process above.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dream Machine

Normally, I don't dream. Or, I don't remember if I dreamt, but over the last week and a half I have been dreaming like crazy! And, not all of my dreams have been good ones. A number of them have been nightmares. I blame it on the new mattress topper we just got. Drew had one in Iraq and loved it. Unfortunately, he left it in Iraq. It was way too big to stuff in his bags of necessities and all of his other stuff had to be packed and shipped months before leaving. Of course, he choose to hold onto it and enjoy it until the last day and then leave it for the next guy. Flash forward to the present and he's been having a lot of back issues - I think it's from standing so much at Amazon. We finally gave in and order the same mattress topper in the size to fit our current bed. I wasn't too sure about it at first because I'm paranoid about the spine and shoulders and sinking too much or creating bad posture with a super padded mattress. I like a little extra support. At this point I am sold on the comfort of the topper, but boy have I had some strange and memorable/scary dreams! The first few nights I slept on it I had horrible nightmares of people attacking and or trying to kill me. Not cool! Normally I don't remember my dreams at all, if I have one. Drew thinks I am sleeping more soundly/deeper which could be the case. Last weekend I actually woke in a panic - which I have never done before! The nightmares have since calmed, but I am still having odd dreams. The good news is Drew's back seems to be feeling better and he doesn't have the urge to go sleep on the couch or somewhere else.

Speaking of sleeping, Lexi has been cracking us up lately. We use to close the doors to all the rooms whenever we left the house, but over the last two months or so I've been leaving the bedroom door open. She doesn't do anything other than sleep when we're gone and she likes laying next to the bed, or resting her head on the extra pillows on the floor. Lately though, we'll be watching TV in the family room and Lexi will just get up, walk upstairs and lay down. It's as though she's telling us, "Bed time. It's too loud and bright down here, I'm going up to sleep. See you later." Days when I teach at 6am she watches me get ready, she'll go out to go potty, then run right back upstairs to lay down. I usually find her there when I get home.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Weekend

I can't believe May is almost over. Where does the time go? I know we have been super busy, but WOW June is only a few days away. I can not complain about this weather. After the rain we had at the beginning of the month (more on that coming in a future post) I am so happy to have sunshine and a little heat. Despite being apart for the weekend it was a fabulous one for Drew and me. He had a huge project at work last week so we only got to spend Friday and Saturday together, but needless to say we made the best of it. We spent Friday evening at the Reds game and watched the team beat the Cubs. Saturday was a busy day for me work-wise, but we wrapped up the evening together with a grill-out with his sisters. His Army buddy, Josh, and dog Raina made an appearance for dessert. Lexi and Raina had a blast running around the backyard chasing each other. Poor little Raina was scared to death when Lexi greeted her at the door. She even peed a little ;)
Sunday is such a blur. All I can remember doing is working out and going to the Taste of Cincinnati with my parents. The weather was great and it wasn't too crowded.
After teaching class Monday morning I finally gave myself a chance to relax. Drew got off work early which made taking half of the day off a lot easier. I usually feel bad relaxing when I know he's working his butt off. I even treated myself to a little lounge chair purchase. I wanted to catch up on my magazines outside, but couldn't get myself comfortable. This baby was totally worth it! ps. It was $10 cheaper at Walmart than it was at Meijer!
I could lounge out back all day long. I contemplated buying a baby pool for myself, but thought that might be a little hillbilly ;) Lexi too enjoyed being outside, although she got tired of the sun before me. Taking walks in the morning also helps wear her out. I've been trying to stick to my 10,000 a day and walking at some point with her helps me reach that point. After my original pedometer got wet and ruined I picked up a watch with a pedometer which has helped me get back on track. It's amazing how few steps I take when I'm not thinking about it or when I'm in real estate class.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

One Year Anniversary!

What a week! There is no denying Drew and I are working hard! It has been crazy busy around here! But, the biggest even occurred on Sunday - Drew and I celebrated our one year anniversary! We got our wedding cake from A Spoon Fulla Sugar which also offers anniversary cakes for free instead of trying to fork down a frozen piece. Let me just say, the cake (gluten free of course) below is delicious! I had them make it similar to the top level of our wedding cake - chocolate with chocolate mouse  with buttercream frosting. It was/still is delicious! I even pulled out our knife and server/spatula from the wedding night that we used at the wedding. We'll have to remember all of this for future anniversaries.

 It's hard to believe we have been married a year. At the same time, a lot has happened over the last 365 days. We moved into a new home, Drew started working at Amazon, I quit my job and started teaching Pure Barre and handling the studio's marketing, I was trained in the second level of the Pure Barre technique, Drew got promoted to Captain, and I started taking real estate classes. I am sure there are other small obstacles we've over come and or celebrations we've achieved, but these are the ones that stand out the most. As I mentioned in a previous post, Drew is getting another promotion to Battery Commander. The change of command was suppose to occur on the 19th, but they decided to push it back until next month during the two week AT.

Most importantly, we both feel blessed to have each other in our lives. No matter how busy one of us is, we extra time for each other. And, we are looking forward to many, many more years ahead.
Well, I think that's it right now. I keep nodding off and I need to be up at 4:20am. Yikes! So glad I love my job!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mini Update

Well, not to much to report over the last couple of days. I've been staying very busy between teaching, real estate classes, and babysitting. The next two weeks are going to be crazy, but that just means I'm one step/class closer to finishing my real estate classes and getting my license. I don't know what made me think about it, but a few hours ago I realized just how much "education" I will have by the end of the year. If all goes well, I will have four certifications in Pure Barre and a real estate license. Talk about a busy year! However, that is getting ahead of my self, and being very optimistic since at this point I don't have a license and I only have two PB certifications.

Most importantly, while I have been super busy outside of the home, I am loving every minute of it. I am having a blast teaching PB classes. I taught my first private lesson/class yesterday. There aren't guidelines for private classes which gave me the opportunity to cater directly to the client. I really enjoyed working with the client (who is a college girl), getting to know her and making sure she left feeling confident and comfortable with the technique. It was also fun taking Pure Barre for an hour and a half, explaining just how much it can do for your body when you push yourself.

Real estate will get better once I'm done with classes and can put what I've learned in motion, instead of sitting in a classroom.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Army Proud

We have big news again on the Army front! Drew learned last weekend he is being promoted to commander of the Bravo Battery this month! Our May celebrations are getting bigger. Not only do we get to celebrate our first anniversary on the 19th, but it will also be the change of commander ceremony. Drew will officially take on the role of commander on May 19th. And, as the commander's wife I will be taking on the role of the leader for the Family Readiness Group, which helps support the soldiers and families. I've been a part of it in the past, but I will now be in charge of this battery's group. It's not required that the leader be the commander's wife, but since no one else wants to volunteer for the position I'm stepping up to the plate. Love supporting my husband!

Any who, I think Drew is very excited and a little nervous about taking on the role of commander. Of course, it's a wonderful career opportunity and honor. He just has a lot on his plate and it will ultimately result in more responsibility. However, we both realize that there really is never a good time, there will always be other responsibilities, especially when you're in the National Guard. So... here we go!

Monday, April 29, 2013

What Happen to April?

Wow, time flies when you are having fun, and or are really busy! I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of April! Where did the month go? As I have alluded to in previous posts work has been going great. I'm enjoying getting to know the clients and seeing them get excited about the changes they are seeing with themselves! It's awesome when a move/the technique "clicks" with the client. Just last week I had two people (I won't name names but one of them does read this blog!) tell me that they are seeing physical changes having only taken class for two or three weeks. One told me that her pants that were too small at Christmas are nearly too big right now! The other woman is finally seeing definition in her arms after trying for years to tone them. It might sound cheesy, but it feels really good to help others feel good about themselves and get excited about working out/staying fit.
Me and three other instructors from the area. The two girls to my right teach at a nearby studio. The girl to my left is our studio manager and an instructor
I had the privilege at the beginning of the month to get advance training in Columbus. It as a lot of fun to see another studio, meet other instructors, and take class from an instructor who has been teaching since 2008. She did a great job of giving us new ways of encouraging clients and helping them really connect their mind and body with the technique.

My schedule will be changing on Wednesday so I am looking forward to getting to know some of the evening clients.

Funny story from this morning... one of my 6am clients told me after class that I have improved so much. It was a bit of a random moment in time, but it was really nice to hear. For one thing, it's nice that clients feel comfortable talking to me and another to have someone acknowledge my teaching evolution.

Any who, yes, I taught at 6am this morning which means I have been up since 4:14am. I am exhausted. Bed time.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Celebrating Life and Health

What a beautiful day. I really hope this nice, sunny weather sticks around for a long time. Lexi and I took a nice long walk around the neighborhood and it was so refreshing. I can tell a huge difference in her when the weather gets warmer and she can lay in the sun or run around the yard. She's a much happier dog. Now that the weather is warming up I'm challenging myself to get 10,000 steps in a day. Today I did awesome with about 12,000, but I know I won't hit 10,000 without making a conscience effort to get the extra steps. You'd think that teaching fitness classes all week that I work out a lot. Unfortunately, I don't always get to take class after/before I teach. Next month is going to be even harder with consistent real estate classes mixed in throughout the week and weekends. However, I am challenging myself to attend 20 classes throughout the month of May - 20 in 30 days. I think it's do-able. I'm also focusing on eating a lot better - not as much processed foods. There are so many yummy fruits and vegetables in the spring/summer that there is not reason not to eat well. It also means not buying the sweets and junk food. I've been really good when it comes to drinks. I no longer buy pop. Any pop in our house comes from Drew. And, that's fine. Drew doesn't have to give up pop just because I am or completely change his eating habits, although I know he too wants to eat better and get in to better shape. The neat thing about Drew is, he is always willing to try new things and he adapts pretty well. If I don't buy cookies or chips, ice cream, etc. he's okay with it. But, he will eat ice cream for breakfast if it's in the freezer ;)

I don't know about you, but this past week was a very long week. Long and hard. Our nation went through a lot in a matter of days and many people are still grieving and recovering from the horrific events in Boston. (For me, it's still hard to fathom what led the two brothers to want to kill/hurt so many innocent people. I will never understand. My mind doesn't work like that.) For the last month or so I had been planning to attend my friend's baby shower in Indiana and because of how difficult and sad the week had been it became even more important to me to attend the shower. Not only did I want to be there for her, but I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to celebrate life. A life that will soon be a part of this crazy world. I know my friend is going to be an amazing mom and to see all of the other wonderful people "baby H" will grow up learning from was comforting.

Celebrations of life continued on Sunday as I joined the rest of the family at my parent's house to celebrate Kevin's birthday. His birthday was really last weekend but he already had plans and couldn't  come. So, needless to say, his birthday extended for another week. Once again, it was really nice being with family and enjoying a nice, tasty meal. I am so very blessed to have wonderful caring people in my life. I hope we always cherish each other and our company.

A tough week ended on a high note.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Praying for Boston

I had originally planned to do a follow-up of last night's post, elaborating on some of the topics I skimmed over, but I am just not in the mood right now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened at the Boston Marathon today. I'm not even sure if there are words to describe how I am feeling. From shocked, to heart ache, to anger I've felt it all as more details develop. It's hard to wrap around why people do terrible things to each other. Sure, I was prepared to worry about bombings while Drew was in Iraq, but to have to watch your back at a race, or be afraid of getting shot at a movie theatre or in school... it's devastating. I realize that's what the people creating the violence want... to create fear, and we can't go around being afraid all day, everyday, but it's hard not to ask "why". Why do these terrible things have to happen? Why do so many innocent people have to suffer? I just read an 8-year-old is one of the victims from today's explosions. It just mind-blowing.

Fortunately, there is a lot of good in this world. And, in times like this when things don't make sense prayer can help us to find peace.
"We will RUN and not grow weary, for our God will be our strength" - Isaiah 40:31

I hope the victims and their families are able to find peace and strength.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I should really be asleep right now as I have to get up really early to teach, but a part of me isn't quite tired yet so I figure I will write a quick post to update you on the last two weeks. April has been a very busy month for us. Drew spent a week in Seattle for additional Amazon training, I spent a day in Columbus for advanced Pure Barre training, I started my real estate classes, and we had our first house guests! Oh yea and I may have had my birthday on Friday ;)
Needless to say, it's been an exciting 14 days!
This weekend was shorter than usually since Drew had to work an extra day (he was off an extra day the week before when we had family in town), but we made every minute count and were able to spend quality time together which we don't get too much of these days. It made for a low key, and relaxing birthday. He got some yard work done around the house while I was working, and then caught up on his sleep. Friday night we celebrated my birthday with a dinner to PF Changs.
I promise I'm not that pale!
I love that they have a menu of gluten free items to pick from, including a chocolate torte. This evening I spent dinner with my parents and brother. Mom grilled out and I was able to enjoy a nice home cooked meal with great company. Unfortunately, Kevin couldn't come because he was enjoying his own birthday celebrations at a music festival, but that just means we all get to get together again next weekend.
Last weekend was full of family fun on Drew's side. He and his sisters hosted the 4th annual Susan Bake Off in memory of their mom. His aunt, uncle and cousins drove in from Georgia for the event and stayed with us. They were our first guests! Of course, that meant leading up to the weekend we were putting beds together, organizing paperwork (our office was a disaster!), cleaning, cleaning, and attempting more cleaning. It really wasn't as bad as I may make it sound, it was just a lot of last minute stuff. Drew's sister moved into her new place the weekend before and in turn we "inherited" a lot of stuff. Drew was then in Seattle the days leading up to his family getting into town, so whatever we didn't get done together before, I had to get ready myself. Luckily, we inherited two extra beds (one from Gayle and one from Jill) so all of our guests had a place to sleep. But, we also inherited a lot of tools, another (our third) refrigerator, a dresser, etc. etc. Our garage is still a disaster, but the bedrooms turned out great.
I'll touch more on the house in a future post, as well as some of the other topics I teased, as now I am getting sleepy and it's getting late. Four a.m. will be here before I know it!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pure Barre: Oh What a Feeling

I had planned to do a house update since we have guests coming into town next week and the house is in disarray, but I want to take a few minutes to acknowledge a few events that happened this week at work. I normally don't talk about work, but this week was a really good week. I received a text from my boss/studio owner Tuesday night letting me know she was planning to review me the next morning. Not only did she review me, but she took my first class and reviewed my second - so much for warming up in that first class. Just a month ago, I would have been super nervous and anxious, but I was feeling upbeat and confident, and it showed. She told me I was 1,000 times better than the last time she watched me teach back in January, when I started. I was on the beat of the music, engaging with clients, I had inflection in my voice, and seemed like a natural. What a confidence boost. It was wonderful hearing those comments from her since she did take a chance on me. I've never taught anything before and I'm not one to enjoy public speaking. When I asked about teaching way back when what I did know was I loved the classes and believed in the technique - I still do. I wanted to know how to become even more involved. I think that's just the "student" in me.
Once I started learning the technique on the teaching side I was told there is about a three month learning curve. I can confirm that is true! April begins month four for me and I am REALLY enjoying teaching. Now that I am comfortable in front of the class I've been able to really engage with and get to know the clients. I'm having fun while I am teaching and I think it rubs off on the clients. I can say the wrong word(s) and laugh about it and so can they. The best part of my job is watching the clients advance and change their bodies. I've seen women shrink their waistlines and come out of the dressing room with shocked faces when they try on a pair of pants and the size they use to wear is too big. Just this morning I had a client hand me a thank you card from her wedding. She started Pure Barre the same week I started teaching in January. She wanted to get toned for her February wedding. The thank you card was addressed to the morning instructors, but she handed it to me because I was her first teacher and the one she has had the most. Her card thanked us for giving her a toned body for her wedding. She specifically loves her toned arms! I took class with her later this morning and she told me she loves that she is starting to see definition in her abs. She says they are her "Megan abs". Those two little words put the biggest smile on my face. It's such a wonderful feeling hearing and seeing other women embrace their body and enjoy doing something good and healthy for themselves. That moment resonates with me because I too connected with my first teacher and I got hooked on Pure Barre once I started seeing definition in my arms and a stronger core. My weight hasn't changed a lot, but I feel stronger physically and mentally when I take class. That is a great feeling.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pinterest Dinner

Good morning everyone. I hope you are staying warm. I can not believe it is snowing on March 24th and a snow storm expected this evening. Is anyone else tired of this weather? I know we don't get horrible weather, but it just seems to be dragging on and on this year. I could use a vacation to the beach! Given the colder than normal circumstances, I thought I would share a warm and flavorful dinner with you, if you are looking for a little comfort food. Drew and I have been trying to eat at home more often. In addition to that goal, I have also been trying to make more fresh meals - not frozen or packaged. Last night I made this delicious Spicy Sausage Pasta. (I substituted gluten-free pasta.)
It was full of flavor and super easy to make. And, the gluten-free pasta turned out fantastic too.
Picture from the recipe's link. I forgot to take my own picture last night
The ingredients aren't hard to find either and it doesn't call for a lot of pre work, if any - just chop and drop the ingredients in the skillet. The only changes I made from the recipe was I started using a skillet then transferred the meal into an oven safe dish and put it in our toaster oven to broil for a couple of minutes. 
I don't cook with sausage much, so it was a nice change of taste for us. Let me know if you try it! I hope you enjoy it.

Update: If you aren't a huge fan of sausage you could always add chicken instead. Or, if you are looking for a "meatless Monday" meal, I think black beans would be really good. You could also add more veggies, such as corn or bell peppers to give it more color and fiber. Those are just some ideas Drew and I were throwing around last night that I forgot to mention this morning.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Basement Blues

We have the basement blues... literally. We have painted the basement twice and still aren't happy with the color. Drew has his heart set on a grey color and both times the walls have looked blue. The first time we painted it turned out a baby blue which was not even close to the color we picked out. I then suggested we paint the basement the same color is our bedroom since we know we like the color. That color still didn't look right. We then tried changing the light bulbs. We picked up some of the reveal light bulbs to get rid of the blue tint. It didn't help. We've discussed a lot of other options including painting all of the wood work white. I think it would help a lot with our color issues as well as make the basement more cohesive with the rest of the house. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be an easy or quick process. I keep dragging my feet because I am not looking forward to sanding all of the wood.

But now, we've reached another road block in our basement plans. Originally, we both envisioned a sports themed basement. Right now it's looking quite patriotic. As Drew's sister is moving and downsizing so we've taken in her red couches - as well as her flag pictures. 
The coloring in this picture is horrible!

Of course, we are a patriotic family, but the red couches against the blue-ish walls and the flag pictures are a little too much. We still aren't sure if we are going to keep the flag pictures. We need to re-envision our basement and take it one step at a time. My current suggestion is to take down the wall paper (on the one wall) and paint all the walls white. The couches add a lot of color and if we put pictures on the walls that will add even more. I think the walls can be neutral. If we do remove the one wall of wallpaper and paint the walls white then we would keep the wood as is. Eventually we could redo the bar top and I think it would be enough of a change to make the basement feel a little more updated. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Today is our date-iversary! Four years ago today Drew and I went out on our first date. Who would have thought dinner at O'Charleys, a trip to Walmart and Jack's Pets store, followed by a movie at the Super Saver (Drew was quite the big spender!) would result in marriage :)
We still laugh about that first date as well as our first couple conversations on the phone. Before that first date, we talked a few times while he was in Georgia. He told me later that he wasn't sure it was going to work because I was very quiet on the phone. Ha! If only he knew. There are days when I know he just wants me to stop talking ;) Luckily, for both of our sakes, he gave me another chance and asked me to dinner -  actually he wanted to do a casual lunch, but I couldn't with my temp job at the time. It's fun thinking back to that night because I didn't think dinner went that well. I remember thinking that he just wasn't that into me - that some of the conversation was awkward. Although, once we headed to Walmart and Jack's Pet store it was a lot more relaxed and fun. Of course, I went home thinking I hope he had a good time, and I hope I see him again.
Obviously, dinner wasn't all that bad and we went on a second, and third date... I can't imagine my life without him... or Lexi.
It does make me grateful to think about how Drew and I met. While we both went to high school together it wasn't until after college and after being laid off in Washington that we connected. It's funny how things work out the way they do. One action/decision leads to another and slowly but surely a new "path of life" is created. Being laid off was devastating, but it gave me the opportunity to move back home and start over.
You never know what each day will bring, but being surrounded by loving and supportive people makes each day that much more exciting.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Amazon Adventure

It's hard to believe Drew has been working for Amazon for six months, and this weekend was the first time I visited. I had planned to visit (hang out with him after work) a couple of other times but it always worked out that he would be here in town before I could make it to him. Well, last night was "Family Fun Night" at the warehouse. It was a chance for family members to go inside and see what their loved ones do all day. I have to say it was fun and interesting. There wasn't a lot going on, but they did give everyone a tour of the facility and explain what happens at each area/station. Afterwards there were snacks and face painting for the kids. I enjoyed the opportunity to put a visual to everything Drew talks about as well as meet the faces behind the names of his co-workers. The one thing that surprised me the most is the organized chaos inside the facility. Unlike a grocery store, the items are not stored together. Items are randomly store throughout the building. The facility could have a thousand golf clubs all in a different spot. Our tour guide, who manages with Drew, says this is found to be more efficient than storing all of the same items in one spot because people order random things at one time. It's easier and faster for the "pickers" to find things when they are all over the place instead of having to go all the way across the facility to get a golf club, only to go all the way to the other side to get the second item. Of course, this means they have to have a very organized cataloguing system. Learning the system gave me a whole new understanding and respect for everything Drew does each day. I can't be more proud of all of the work he does to keep the facility running smoothly.

Outside of visiting the facility I also took some time (I arrived early and Drew was working) to check out the local shops. There is not a lot around that part of town, but on my quest to find the Walmart I found Target. I was very excited to get myself an IU t-shirt or sweatshirt. As I walked around the store to the sport section that each Target has, I caught a glimpse of a red sweatshirt. Of course... I traveled across state lines not to find IU apparel, but this....
and yes, those are Red hats in the far left of the picture. The end cap of the isle had even more Red items! Seriously?!?! The store had to have had quadruple the number of Reds shirts than IU shirts. It's still basketball season! And I was in Indiana! Sadly, I went home with nothing and am very disappointed. Although, I expect that's what I get after IU loses to Wisconsin in the Big 10 Tournament.
Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have from my trip. I was not able to take my phone, or anything for that matter, into the Amazon facility - the company is huge on safety. I'll have to leave it to your imagination to picture all of the crazy items inside a huge warehouse. Drew's apartment isn't anything to take a photo of either. It has an air mattress, TV, desk and lawn chair. Very glamorous lol. As I alluded above, Drew works a lot and doesn't need much once his work day is over.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back in the Sand

I forgot how much I enjoyed playing sand volleyball - or just volleyball in general! Drew and I used to play on a team together for a couple of years. I eventually had to stop playing because it became too much with my work schedule - I was still working overnights. Every now and then I would fill-in if the team needed a sub. Within the last six months the team switched from playing 6's to 4's. Drew also had to stop because the game times conflicted with his schedule at Amazon.

Last night the team needed an extra player for the tournament and I jumped at the opportunity to fill-in. The only downside... the first game was at 10:20pm and I had been up since 4:30 teaching in the morning. Boy was it a long day! But, it was totally worth it! I had so much fun playing with them again. It was also a lot of fun being able to play quads. We won our first match but lost the second. Considering our team was lacking in the height department I think we did really well. My serving could use a little work (I don't think I've hit a volleyball for over a year), but I was more than pleased with my passing and ball reading.

It could just be wishful thinking, but I think Pure Barre has made a big difference in keeping my legs in shape. I felt extremely comfortable digging balls out of the sand and agile moving side-to-side. My thighs felt strong without being bulky.

I'm crossing my fingers that they need another sub sooner than later. Although, I would prefer not to play so late - but I'll take what I can get. Drew and I have talked about getting into a league on a night he is free, so I will keep you posted on what we decide.

Speaking of keeping you posted, I have some exciting news to share regarding Gayle's photography business. Everything seems to be falling into place! First, the studio, now, she has a family signed to rent her house, with the possibility of the family buying it down the road. The building she is leasing for her studio has an upstairs with a kitchenette. She was planning to live upstairs, but wasn't sure if she wanted to try and sell her house or rent it out for a while to see how things pan out. Long story short she, over the weekend a man she knows came with his family to see her house and they signed a lease! I'm not sure of all of the details, but I think she is planning to be moved into her studio at the beginning of April. It's going to be a busy month!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Worst Blogger Ever

Well I certainly get the award for the worst blogger in February. I can't believe I went nearly the entire month without blogging. Two. Two blogs. That. Is. Horrible. If you are still reading my blog, then please forgive me. Although, I am probably beginning to sound like a broken record.

What's been going on with our lives? Well, we are staying pretty busy between the two of us. Drew is still working for Amazon, and spending the other half of his week handling real estate and Army duties.  Speaking of real estate, Drew's sister Gayle has been dabbling in the photography business (Life Through the Lens) for the last three or four years and just recently found a studio. It's in a great location and it seems to be the perfect size. I had the opportunity to check it out this weekend. In addition, Gayle seems to really like the building's owner. He was planning to do some remodeling and is letting her pick out new carpet, paint colors, and flooring. I'll keep you posted on how things advance. She has started to move some of her props over into storage space, but it will be a bit more time before she totally gets situated.

I am starting to hit my groove. My teaching schedule seems to be set. I'm on the early "shift". All of the classes I teach are in the morning. My latest class is 12:30 on Thursday and Tuesdays and Fridays I don't teach at all, but I am able to sub when needed. One thing that is really nice is I can usually take a class right after mine or within an hour and be on my way. Babysitting has slowed down for the time being due to changes in the parent's work schedules. I am staying busy at home managing the studio's Facebook page and press work. The studio has teamed up with four other locally owned businesses to create a type of loyalty/rewards program. It kicks off this Friday. I have been in charge of all of the documents: press release, pamphlet, brochure, etc. The studio is also switching the company it uses for its newsletters so I am responsible for "attending" the training for it. I've only done one training so far and it was quite interesting. It was a webinar type-training program. Each studio's representative called in to a number via google and while we couldn't talk, we could hear the trainer and then send an instant message that he would read and answer in real-time.

Outside of work related items, I/we are working on getting the house in order. Drew's aunt, uncle, and cousins are coming to visit next month for the annual bake-off and this year they will be staying with us. We've got lots of work to do before then! I would love to have one of the bedrooms repainted, but I realize the room(s) need to be cleaned out first. Not to mention, I have stuff I still need to get from my parents house. Mom, if you are reading this I am planning to come by tomorrow :)

Lexi is doing well. She's not a big fan of the cold though so she spends a lot of time inside. Like most dogs, she doesn't like rain, but she will go out and play in the snow. I think all of the lounging around is starting to effect her weight ;) Drew took her to the dog store the other day and said she is 120lbs. She was hovering around 112 for the longest time!

Well, I think that's a good summary of our lives. I will try to be more mindful this month. Hopefully post three or more times a week with specific details of our lives/days. Don't give up on me! I'm trying!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Spread a Little Love

I finally finished my Valentine's Day wreath with a couple of days to spare! I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, although it would have looked better with a heart shaped piece of Styrofoam. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find one which is why it took me later than I wanted to get started on it. I kept checking back to Hobby Lobby since there was a tag for some on the rack.
 230 red circles later I finished! (No, I didn't count each one. Each circle is tucked on with a pin and I went through a box of 225 plus five more.) Ultimately, it was a really easy project, it just took a very long time to 1. trace the circle, then 2. cut each piece of fabric (I used a yard). The burlap ribbon gives it a little bit more V-day flare since without it the wreath could be used during the winter/Christmas time.

I have one more V-day project to finish up tomorrow. I will let you know how it turns out. At this point I am exhausted, Lexi is snoring, and I have to be up EARLY to teach. Have a good night!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Part-time Mom

Yup, that's my new title - part-time mom. Okay, mom might be stretching it, but I have car seats, so that at least deserves the title of "nanny" or daily babysitter.
Outside of teaching and helping at the Pure Barre studio I have started helping out a former co-worker of mine with her kids. She works at one of the local TV stations and her husband is doing PR/marketing for the casino opening up soon. They are both working crazy hours right now so I am helping out with their kids, picking them up from daycare and spending a couple hours with them before the parents get home from work. At first I was trading cars with the mom, but now I have my own set of car seats - woo hoo. Actually, it will make things a lot easier. It's been a nice gig for me since I'm usually finished with my teaching/studio stuff in the morning. It's nice making a little money and helping out a friend. The kids are great too. They both get along great and are easy to please.

Outside of working, Drew and I had a fun and busy weekend. He arrived home just in time for a wedding. He was in Oklahoma for two weeks for the military. Boy was I ready to have him home. It seemed a lot longer than two weeks. Dancing at a wedding seemed like the perfect way to spend some time together. The couple we celebrated are perfect for each other. It was a beautiful wedding and reception. We were looking forward to the wedding since the reception was at one of the sites we looked at.
By the end of the night my feet were in pain and we were both exhausted. It was a long day, but we had a lot of fun and saw some people we haven't seen in a while.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winter Wonderland

This post is a little late, but before all of the snow is gone from the ground (we're expecting 52* tomorrow) I want to post some pictures of just how helpful Lexi has been over the last couple of days. She was super helpful while I shoveled the driveway Monday and Tuesday. Speaking of shoveling, I love having a large front yard, but the long driveway... ughh it was a little rough. Although, it made for a good workout :)
We haven't had too much excitement over the last couple of days. IU did win the game I posted about on Saturday - go Hoosiers!! Sunday I spent the day in Columbus for an Army event. Thankfully, they let us out early enough to make it home for the Super Bowl. What a game! I have to say, I found the light, or lack there of, situation quite entertaining. I know, I know, it led to a more than half hour delay how could I find it entertaining. Well, I found it entertaining from the standpoint of a former producer. It was intriguing to see how the camera crew, anchors, and reporters dealt with the situation. Overall, it was a good game. I really thought the 49ers were going to take the lead. I'm glad it turned out to be a close game, and hopefully the Harbaugh brothers can look back and be proud of what they did. Speaking of the Harbaughs, did you know that IU's coach, Tom Creen is married to the brothers sister? It was a HUGE sports weekend for that family.

As I mentioned, things are relatively low key around here. I have started on a couple of craft projects with I will hopefully wrap up in a couple of days. I also found some art work that I want to hang in the master bathroom, I will try to get some pictures posted in the next couple of days. I want to get Drew's opinion and help with hanging.

Well, that's it for now. I am exhausted and starting to fall asleep typing!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoosiers!!!!

I normally don't make quick posts like this, but I am SOOO nervous for the game right now! Oh how I wish I were in Bloomington at Assembly Hall! I can only imagine what the energy is like in the building! It is a sea of red on the screen!

Alright, that's all I have to say right now. It's game time!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Big Day for a Big Dog

Happy birthday Lexi! 
I can't believe you are already three years old! It's been quite the adventure since you entered into our lives. You've taught me the importance of keeping clothes off of the floor, high top tables, the joy of running outside, being patient, and loving unconditionally. Sure, you can be a pain one minute, but you never stop loving, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Every day you amaze me and keep me laughing. 
The way you rest your head on the bed - looking for a little attention, the way you watch TV with us and bark at animals on the screen, pretend to fall asleep upstairs with us, then make your way to the futon when we forget to cover it. I can't imagine not having you in our lives. Your big wagging tail and lap dog minded self keeps a smile on my face.  Happy birthday - and many more!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mini Kitchen Update

I'm back with another post... pictures included! Again, it's nothing fancy, but it's something I should have done awhile ago, and just kept forgetting or putting it off. Thanks to my love of DIY blogs and Pinterest I have been itching to use chalkboard paint in the house. Even before we moved, I had it in my head that I wanted to use the paint. A family I babysat for years ago had chalkboard paint in their laundry room which was also a mud room between the garage and kitchen. They would write down important numbers/info in there, as well as any other fun messages. I thought it was a great idea. Once we settled in I came up with a plan to paint the tiny wall next to the fridge. Similar to something like this:
However, the wall I wanted to paint on isn't technically a wall. It's more of a built in so I wanted to paint a thin piece of plywood as to not ruin the wood with paint. After coming up with a plan we went to the store and bought our supplies, and even purchased a small can of magnetic paint. Long story short, the project was put on hold when Drew became nervous about the plywood staying sturdy. During an impromptu visit to Ikea we came across these cool glass "noticeboards" that can be used with dry erase markers.
We decided this looked a lot sleeker and cleaner than a chalkboard. Plus, since our kitchen has a strong Ikea/modern look to it (I think the drawers and cabinets came from Ikea) we thought it would compliment nicely.

Drew hung the boards awhile back and I have enjoyed writing and erasing chores/notes daily. Around that same time I came up with the idea to turn the top board into a universal calendar that I can change/update each month, to include the big events. We both keep our own personal calendars through gmail, but this gives us something to glance at for some of the bigger/important events, ie. a wedding. It wasn't hard, but I FINALLY sat down and sketched out the poster board for the calendar today. I think I've had that poster board since the beginning of the month. Oh well, better late than never.
I think it turned out pretty well. It definitely does the job for now. We can always tweak the poster board color or put fabric behind it - the options are endless. And, we can still use the second noticeboard for notes or doodling. I am such a nerd, as I get such a feeling of accomplishment erasing my "to do" list for the day! It has also stopped me from writing on a bunch of post-it notes that I forget about and leave everywhere.
ps. if some of the areas look smeared/ terribly erased it's because I was "erasing" on the computer. I had a couple important notes (phone numbers, addresses, etc) on the board when I took the pictures and opted to try and blur the details out via my photo program. The boards clean up/wipe off wonderfully in person and seem to compliment the frosted doors in the dinning room.