Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 Oh So "One"-derful

First I have to take a moment to thank all of the men and women who have served and are currently serving our country.

I have always respected our military. My grandpa was in WWII, my uncle was in the Navy, cousin in the Army; I saw kids from my high school chose the military over college, and once in college the members of IU's ROTC program use to work out outside the sorority house at sunrise. But, it's in the last 2.5 to 3 years that I have learned and really come to respect our military. Of course, most of that is thanks to Drew. He teaches me and involves me in with as much as he can, while also taking his role and position seriously. I also think having been a part of the news has taught me a lot as well. Sure, you can say what you what about reporters/mass media, but having access to so many stories, articles, and events from around the world opened my mind to so much more than just the soldiers working out outside my window or a Hollywood movie. I tell Drew all the time that it's weird to think of him as a Veteran because he is still in his 20's. When I was younger I always had this notion that Veterans were old/seniors/grandparents. Yet, talking to him he feels bad for the Vietnam Vets because he thinks with so many pictures of young soldiers surfacing right how he thinks the older Vets get looked over and forgotten.
I think Our country has come a long way in honoring and respecting our soldiers. I can't imagine what our Vietnam Veteran's went through when they came home from war, and while there aren't many still around, I don't want to forget all of our WWII Vets either. So, on this Veteran's Day I want to thank each and every service member and their family for giving their time, service and life to the freedom of our country.

On a softer, lighter note, today is also a unique calendar day: 11.11.11.
I found this on which I think is pretty interesting in terms of the significance of the number one, and the date that only happens once in a century.
  • Power Number

    According to numerology, each number holds a unique vibration with associated traits attached to it. One and two symbolize masculine and feminine energy, respectively, with one deemed as "the creator." When repeated, one becomes 11, which is considered the Master Number, representing rebirth and, you guessed it, new beginnings.

  • It Takes Two

    When broken down into separate digits (1+1=2), the number 11 resonates with the number two and, therefore, takes on additional attributes. Today is plush for matters of the heart, since 11 is commonly associated with intuition, inspiration, compassion, and tolerance, while two, the number associated with feminine energy, embodies union and partnership.

  • Place Your Bets

    Today may be an extra lucky day to gamble, given how many games include 11 in favorable ways. Eleven is a very desirable hand in Blackjack, causing players to double down and increase their potential winnings. In Craps, 11 is just as good as the favorable seven on an initial roll. Eleven is reportedly a popular lotto number as well—no doubt because of all its vibrating power.

  • Good Vibrations

    With the presence of three 11s in the date, feminine energy is strongly at play—promoting awareness, cooperation and healing on a global scale. Today, a movement called Global Pause for Peace is asking spiritual communities around the world to gather in ritual, prayer and meditation to harness today's harmonious energy and raise the global vibration.

  • Keeping The Peace

    Today is also Armistice Day (or Veterans Day in the U.S.), marking the end of World War I, when Germany and the Allied nations called for resolution on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Some business are using today's special date to pay homage to men and women who've served in the military, with special discounts and donations to the USO.

  • Breaking Dawn

    In terms of astrology, we are currently transitioning into the 11th house of the zodiac—the age of the Aquarius. Progressive and intuitive, the sign rules technology, humanitarianism, philanthropy, nonconformity and idealism. According to astrological predictions, a wealth of new information will dominate the coming months.

  • Do The Math

    You may have to be a mathematician to get excited by the numerical tricks that 11—which is the sixth prime number—can perform: When multiplied by itself, the number 11 equals a palindrome every time—from 11 x 11 (which equals 121) to 1,111,111 x 1,111,111 (which equals a pleasing 1,234,567,654,321) and beyond.

  • Save The Date

    Couples worldwide have long hitched their marital fortunes to special dates, signing their nuptials on ones that bear the same number for the month, day and year. Wedding industry experts believe it's a combination of superstition and meaning that make them so desirable, but many couples simply want an unforgettable anniversary date. According to David's Bridal, 57,000 ceremonies will take place today, surpassing the 39,000 weddings that commenced last year on 10/10/10.

  • One More Time

    Dec. 12, 2012, will be last time the date will be the same number across the board until the next century. Extremists are predicting the end of the world, which would coincide with the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pure Happiness

Wow, I can't believe I went nearly two months without writing. I guess this site slipped my mind between Drew coming home, wedding planning, Army adventures, finding a new job and starting a new job - as well as Drew setting out to start in real estate. Needless to say things are looking up and going well.
I know I say this every year, but it is hard to believe it has been three years since I was laid off from my job in Washington. I think this year makes it even more memorable as I got the "bad news" Oct. 31, 2008. And just Tuesday, Nov. 1 2011 I started a new job outside of the news business. It's funny how things work out. One minute I am without a job. The next, I am moving home, meeting a guy, and planning a wedding. I am very lucky. And, it's that realization that led me to making my own decision to leave the news business. Don't get me wrong I loved what I was doing and enjoyed the people I was working along side, but I always found myself unhappy because I was missing out on this or that because I either needed to get sleep or wasn't getting enough sleep. It wasn't easy to make the decision to try something new, but over the last couple of days in my new job I am so grateful I did make the decision. I didn't realize how sad I had become until I felt how good it can feel to REALLY be happy. For the first time in nearly two and a half years I was able to meet a bunch of people for dinner and not have to rush home for work. I've been able to sleep during the correct time of day. I get Veterans Day off! I didn't know people got that day off! I will get to celebrate Thanksgiving with family at dinner time - AND the day after! Who knew?!
I do know... that while I have very little knowledge of what I am doing in my new position (I am in the learning phase) I am a much happier person, having the opportunity to take part in life's events.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome Home Drew

As you can imagine, life over the last week has been wonderful and busy all at the same time. It's hard to believe Drew has been home for a week, but I am of course enjoying every minute of it. The two of us have hardly sat still and with how our calendar looks it will probably be at least another week until we do. That's okay though, because he is home. I will take being busy and slightly tired over Iraq. I didn't realize how stressed out I was until he was home for about 24 hours. I actually felt lighter and more carefree. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to write right now, or a lot of pictures from the Welcome Home Ceremony, but Drew's sister Gayle made a beautiful video/slide show of the day. Be sure to have the sound turned up.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back in the USA!!!!

Yes, Drew is stateside and in less than a week he will be here! I have a feeling it's going to be the loooongest week of the year, but then again, he is safe and in the same time zone! Not to mention I don't have to fight through static phone lines, seven hour time difference, speaking in code or the Skype video freezing.

I will get to see his face IN PERSON in five days!

There is a BRIGHT light at the end of the tunnel.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Marriage Bliss

I want to take a quick moment to say happy anniversary to my parents! Today marks 30 years of wedding bliss. I am sure my brothers and I have helped to make the years challenging, but I am so blessed to have a wonderful set of parents. And, to have such a wonderful pair of role models to look up to as I continue down the path towards marriage.

Congratulations Mom and Dad! Cheers to another 30 magnificent years!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drew is coming home next month! For good! I have been waiting 11 months to say it. I can't even put into words how good it feels to say "NEXT MONTH," when someone asks when Drew is coming home.
It is hard to believe it is already August, but I am not complaining one bit. I know I have a lot to do before September gets here, but I know when I focus... and not give in to laziness ;) everything will get done. The house will be spotless, organized and ready for another person :) I know Lexi will be SO HAPPY to have Drew shower her with love and give her another dose of attention. And, I can't say that I will be all that sad to not be the center of her world for a month or two.
I know I haven't posted a recipe in a couple of weeks, but I will - promise! I did make a broccoli/cauliflower salad this week, but didn't take a picture since it is something I've had before. I will try to get back into the recipe cooking this week. Don't worry I am eating. I have just been using up the things I already have in my fridge/freezer before shopping for more items. Of course once I do I will let you know how the meal turns out.
Well, I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I should probably try to take advantage of the day a bit.

Friday, July 22, 2011

TGI... Margarita Pie

Yes, this is a Margarita Pie. I know, it's not something I can make for dinner, but it is a new recipe and not one I found online. My cousin sent it to me out of the blue and after mentioning it at work, my co-workers requested I make it for our cookout this morning. Yes, this morning - welcome to morning news. Every so often on a Friday we will grill out in between the shows - we call it Fired Up Fridays. We have a grill on the terrace outside the station and everyone brings a little something to share. I was in charge of the pie. As you can guess, it was a rough week and we needed something to look forward to at the end of the day. Of course, with the record heat, it was a nice refreshing dessert. Not to mention, it is extremely easy to make. If you are a fan of margaritas you will love this treat. To quote one of my co-workers, "It's a margarita in my mouth".

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Twelve Months Later

Wow, it's hard to believe a year ago today Drew and I were celebrating our engagement with family and friends. It doesn't seem that long ago, yet a lot has happened in those 12 months. I can only imagine how quickly these next couple of months will past by, especially once Drew gets home. It will be nice to have him around to continue planning for the big day. We did get a lot done before he left and my mom and I have been meeting with florists, looking at invitations, and creating a save the date.
Of course, Drew didn't forget the date. He sent these BEAUTIFUL flowers to the house with a wonderful card. I am such a lucky girl :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quinoa Pasta with Grilled Veggies

Recipe #2 didn't turn out as well as my first. It definitely looked and smelled good, but if I make it again in the future I may have to make some tweaks to it. I overcooked the pasta a little bit, but that's an easy fix. The veggies were delicious, but it was the dressing that I didn't quite enjoy. Now, some of it is my fault since I forgot to add the Apple Cider Vinegar. The recipe also called for fresh herbs and mustard which both seemed quite overpowering without the vinegar. I am also not a big fan of wilted lettuce and the recipe calls for spinach to be mixed in prior to everything sitting in the fridge for 6 hours.
Overall, not a terrible turnout, but one that looked better than it tasted.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cake Balls

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm now focused on conquering the kitchen. From the start of this deployment I swore I would learn how to cook. Now, don't get me wrong I can make a mean omelet, a tasty salad, grilled cheese, tomato soup, and various desserts. However I when I whip something up, I do it in a matter of minutes because that's what I feel like in the moment. Cooking for two... now that's another story. The thing is, I love cookbooks and have quite a few to pick from. I tell myself I will use it, eventually when I it's not just me eating.

Fast forward however many months since Drew left and I've only looked at the pictures in them. So, my plan is to pick one recipe each week from one of the cookbooks and try it out. That will get quite a few meals under my belt before he is home.

Now, while I can't serve them for dinner I decided to tackle cake balls as my first recipe. I needed something for the 4th of July and figured these seemed like a good choice. Basically, it's a mini cake dessert. Starbucks sells a similar item in its stores. Anyways, while they are time consuming to make, they were really easy. And, from the feedback I got, they were really good. The fun part is you can you use whatever cake mix you want, icing, and then dip the ball in whatever you desire. I chose Devil's food cake, cream cheese icing, dumped in peanut butter.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Miss Green Thumb

Yes, I've tackled a tree. I can handle the grass (although does anyone know how to string a weed-whip?), and now I am tackling the landscape. I know it probably doesn't sound all that impressive, but I am proud to say that I've ripped out weeds, planted flowers and kept the yard looking, well, acceptable. It's another example of a learning experience from this deployment. God bless my mom for never forcing me to do yard work. Now that I'm on my own in a sense I have no choice than to keep the yard up. While some days it can be a pain -the random weeds popping up here and there drive me crazy - overall it's been a... fulfilling project to watch the flowers grow. It's a project I started and will only succeed if I continue to take care of each flower. I still have some work to do in the back, but slowly but surely everything is coming together.

Keep your fingers crossed everything continues to grow and looks beautiful for when Drew returns.

Next stop... the kitchen.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Can

I had somewhat of an 'epiphany' yesterday. It would be an understatement to say that this deployment has been a learning experience for me (and Drew). If anything, it's been an eye opener. Over the last eight months I have learned so much about myself. I can be lazy especially if I sit down after work. I like structure and schedules. I get upset when it gets messed up. I don't like to be alone, but I do enjoy quiet moments. I get anxious and irritated when I don't get sleep. I don't like going to weddings alone, but I will. I second guess everything about Lexi. It's okay to ask for help - and people will help if you ask. I appreciate other people's opinions/advice because... I don't trust myself or give myself enough credit. But, in reality, I CAN. Yes, I can do things. I can cut the grass. I can hang curtains. I can fix a scanner. I can fix a warping fence. I can keep Lexi safe and healthy and yes... I CAN cut down a tree!And, I can do it myself. I am stronger and more independent than I have been giving myself credit for, which is funny, because I've always been told how independent I was as a toddler. Yet, I seemed to have forgotten that as I've gotten older. Now, I really know.. anything is possible.
ps. I should explain that a portion of the tree snapped from the winds the other night and I wanted to get it down before more bad weather came and sent it through a neighbor's house.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Congrats Graduates

It's hard to believe that it's already mid May and time for students to graduate. I want to personally congratulate both of my brothers for graduating. Kevin just recently graduated while Matt received his diploma a couple of months ago. Time sure flies. My parents officially do not have a single child in school. I'm sure that feels great. Now we can focus on the wedding - just kidding!

I know there are quite a few other friends of mine who have finished up grad school. Becky, congrats to you! I know you will be a fantastic physical therapist! Enjoy your trip abroad!

Drew, I'm so proud of you for getting through a semester of school while overseas. I can't even imagine how frustrating some of those days/projects had to be while working.

And, for everyone else just a few steps away from your degree/graduate degree.. you are almost there! Keep your head up and don't give up!

Other than celebrating Kevin's graduation, there isn't a whole lot of exciting news to share. Lexi and I have had our fair share of visits to the vet. She had her one year shot check up last week and everything looks good. Sadly, that wasn't the end of things. She had a cut on her face that she just kept scratching at which led me back to the vet yesterday for a special spray and a cone/lampshade collar thing. That did NOT go well at all. I can't even begin to explain how awful it was to put that thing on her. She went absolutely nuts! I have never seen her so upset before and so confused. I did not think she would come near me again. She didn't move from the floor for nearly 7 hours before I finally said screw it and took it off of her. Even then, she didn't move. Once she did, there was a puddle of water where he face had been laying (from crying and salivating from her freak out breathing). She is good now - no collar. And, the massive cut is drying up. I'm crossing my fingers that she doesn't have any more issues and we can stay away from the vet until her next scheduled visit.

Now, if only Mother Nature will settle down and stop bringing rain. I am so sick of the cold, rainy days. I can not wait for sunshine. Hopefully it will come out soon because the grass really needs to be cut!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Remembering 9/11

I'm back from work, and most days I just want to sit and watch something mindless after hours and hours of news. But today, it's different. Today, I am hooked on the news coverage of Osama bin Laden's death. I'm not sure what makes this story different than others. It is still hard to believe nearly 10 years have passed since that horrific 11th day in September. Or maybe it's because I know so many men and women who have been fighting the war on terror abroad. And, over the last couple of months it seems like there has been an increase in US deaths in Afghanistan, that some positive news just feels good. More than anything though, seeing the video from around the world is empowering. Just as the nation did after the attacks in 2001, the country is coming together again to celebrate this victory.

I wish Drew and the other soldiers could see the sea of people cheering outside the White House and Ground Zero, as well as the fans at the Phillie's game who stop cheering for their team, and began cheering for the USA. I can only hope that all of this positive energy and support for our troops continues, because as Drew told me in an e-mail, we must still keep fighting. There are still plenty of bad guys out there.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royally Obsessed

I'll be honest, I am looking forward to the royal wedding tomorrow. (I wouldn't call myself royally obsessed... that title is saved for the guy in the link below.) Maybe it's because I am planning my own wedding. Maybe because Kate reminds me of one of my sorority members. Or maybe it's because the couple is young and seems in love. Whatever, the reason, I will be watching the wedding. Oh and, it helps that I also work at 4am and it's my job to watch the news at that hour. You better believe that our crew is planning a party for too. I am baking some royal cookies as I type this blog (pictures to come). Although, I must say, even if there wasn't a wedding, we would still be grilling out and celebrating the weekend and the end to this non-stop rain!

Back to the wedding... I am looking forward to seeing what Kate wears, how she does her hair, etc. etc. I do, however, think that coverage/hoopla has been pretty ridiculous. It is unbelievable what companies will come up with to sell, what people will do... This guy takes the cake!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I hope everyone has a wonderful and dry day with their families!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's Hard to Believe...

... that the Reds are 5-0 and that Drew and I have had Lexi for a year now. Not to mention, how much she has grown over the last year. Yes, this is Lexi on Opening day last year - she's a Reds fan too. My younger brother took the picture on his phone. He watched her that day so Drew and I could attend the game. This year, Drew obviously couldn't make it, but that didn't stop him and some other soldiers from joining in on the fun, with ice-cream in their Reds hats.

The Reds are on a roll this year after their big Opening Day comeback. I like to believe it was the power of my pants, but I suppose it could be the team's talent. We had a lot of fun again this year. It was a bit chilly, but luckily it didn't rain. A big group of us met at one of the restaurant bars downtown before heading to the game. Even Traveling Drew joined in on the fun.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Before this Sunday wraps up I want to share some more good news. Drew tells me that today marks the half way point of his deployment! Obviously, anything can change in the next 6 months, but at this point September 20th is the finish line!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sweet Saturday

Look at the sweet surprise I found on the front porch this morning!Yes, two dozen roses from Drew. I didn't even hear the doorbell ring. i just happened to be running out the door to get to the gym for a class and found the box of roses. Needless to say, I didn't make it to that class, but I did eventually get to a spinning one. And, I have these beautiful flowers to smell and look at all week long.

If you are wondering what the special delivery is for... Drew and I had our first date two years ago today. It's hard to believe. To be honest, it seems like way more than 2 years have passed since that first "hey, let's get dinner." But, I am SO GRATEFUL he asked me to get dinner that night. I can't imagine being anywhere, but here, at this point in my life. I have Drew to thank, my family, and all of my friends and his family to thank for all the fun and excitement that has made these last two years, seem like much more, because of all the great memories that make them up. It's amazing how much fun lies ahead in these next two years!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tick Tock

It's hard to believe that it's been almost a month since Drew came home for his R & R. Yet, when I think about time, it seems as though the days are dragging along. A friend brought it to my attention that I haven't posted in a while and I think it's because it's hard to think that it will be another six months until Drew comes home again. And, I know that before I can post anything, I have to mention his visit. On the up side, he is half way done - there is a light at the end of the tunnel... it's just a very LOOOONNG tunnel.It was great to have him home for the two weeks. I was able to get some days off work and extend our weekends together. We took some time to do wedding things, visit with friends and friends of friends who have been sending him letters. We even took some time to look at some open houses. No, we aren't planning to move now, but decided to get an idea of what's out there and what we both like/don't like. Not to mention, Drew LOVES looking at homes that are for sale.I think it was really good for Drew to get home and take a break from working continuously. That mixed with getting his masters just makes for some really long days away. Plus, it's not getting any warmer over there. Spring and summer are right around the corner which means the temperature is rising... and will continue to rise to about 120 degrees.He got plenty of love from Lexi while he was home and I know she will miss him while he is gone, but will be even more happy when he returns... for good!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Smiles

I just got the best Valentine's Day surprise. My Valentine is on his way HERE as I am typing this! Yes, I mean HERE, as in the states for a two week leave. It's something the two of us had talked about possibly happening, but I was told not to get my hopes up because anything could change. Now, it's coming true and in a little more than 30 hours I will get to see Drew face to face!

I am so excited!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Big ONE

It's hard to believe, but Lexi turned one on Monday. And I, of course, treated her like a princess. I figure she deserves a little fun and celebration. There's a dog store at our mall that has a bunch of unique dog items, including this "happy birthday" cookie bone. She, of course, was more interested in the box than the actual cookie. Eventually she did eat it and seemed to enjoy it. As for a gift. I picked up a couple toys including this big rope ball. I thought a ball this size would be impossible to rip through. Boy was I wrong! Lexi found a loose sting and I woke up to shreds of string all over the living room. The ball is still intact, but I am not sure how to give it to her without her ripping more and more string out of the toy. I don't mind cleaning up the string, but I don't want her choking on it. Overall, I think it was a good day for her. She seemed happy and worn out by the end of it. Now, we just need to get through this weekend of more snow. Ughh... when will it be spring?!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sweet Surprise

I received a very wonderful surprise yesterday. Drew sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. OK, it's hard to tell if they are really beautiful because most of the flowers haven't opened yet, but I just know they will be :)
He sensed I was having a rough week so he sent them to cheer me up. Lexi has been a bit of a problem "child" over the last couple of days. I am sure it's because she's tired of being cooped up in the house and just wants to run around, but with the cold, it's not that fun to be outside. She did seem to enjoy sitting right outside the back door yesterday under the little awning to watch the snow come down. I am going to try and get out there with her and throw around some snow.

The ironic thing about Drew's surprise is, he doesn't know it yet (unless he takes a peek at this), but I sent him a "pick me up" package the same day he ordered the flowers. His week seemed to have started off a little rough with work and the anxiety of school starting so I thought he could use a fun surprise. I won't list the goodies I added to it, in case he does read this, but for those Thetas reading this, one of the sweet surprises includes a favorite during exam times :). I thought that made for a good treat as he starts grad school. Of course, his box is going to take a little longer to get to him.

I hope everyone is staying warm and surviving the snow. I don't know about you, but I am ready for spring!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Update on Drew

OK, so I know how much everyone enjoys pictures so I should probably add a few here and give you an update on Drew. Drew has been overseas since early December. And, I need to begin with a big congratulations to him!! He was accepted into grad school and will be starting this week while he is overseas. I am so proud of him!! He is going to be very busy for the next couple of months while he is away. He's done an amazing job of staying in touch with me and letting me know he's thinking of me. Sure some days are still rough as he's so many miles away, but overall things have been going well. Instead of dwelling on the fact that he has to be gone for a year, we're "embracing" the deployment and making it as fun as we can considering the situation. For example... Traveling Drew... His cousin Jesy gets all of the credit she created dozens and dozens of Traveling Drews that are traveling all parts of the country (yes, Traveling Drew is heading to Jamaica soon) and surprising Drew with pictures.
Lexi and I have been getting along too. She's made friends with another soldier's dog. This is Lexi with the soldier's girlfriend's dog Scruff. They look pretty funny standing next to each other. Poor Scruff LOVED Lexi. He kept hanging on her leg and she just kept walking as though she had no idea there was a little rug rat hanging on her. The other dog was a lot bigger and he and Lexi kept each other occupied. By the end of the play dates, she is worn out!

2011 beginnings

OK so my 2011 didn't start out as well as I anticipated, but I think it turned out to be the best situation. That Thursday the 30th I came back from the gym feeling terrible. I thought I was just out of shape, but it turns out I was getting really sick. I had a 102 fever and it kept creeping up towards 103. It didn't quite get there but I was so bad by Friday night that my parents, God bless them, came to get me. I spent the new year countdown asleep. Luckily, Drew's sister was already watching Lexi so she kept her for the two days and I picked her up Saturday night. I don't know if it was the flu or just a bug, but I have never felt that hot before! It was awful. Of course, my fever broke in time to go to work. And, the bug turned into a chest cold that took about a week and a half to clear. So, a just short of three weeks into the new year I am finally myself again. And, just in time too... mom and I have jumped back on the wedding planning. We went to a bridal show the last two weekends and yesterday had our first dress appointment at one of the local boutiques. It was very exciting. We didn't purchase anything, but we have a couple of favorites which we will compare to the others when we visit some other stores. So, lots going on here, but all very exciting.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year

I was doing so well at updating this blog and then Drew made it safe to Iraq and the holidays started creeping up, which led to a lack of updating. Now, it's nearly two weeks into the new year and I haven't written a thing! Time to change that.
Since the last time I wrote... I attended a wedding, celebrated Christmas, got sick, slept through the new year, bonded a lot with Lexi, helped Drew travel around town :) and got back into the swing of planning my wedding. So, my lack of updating is not due to a lack of things to write about. More or less because of too much going on and the idea of sitting down to type just seems grueling. But, here I am again, ready to share some news and pictures. I'll begin with the wedding, Emily's wedding.
After the rehearsal dinner

She and Jon were married December 18th in Wabash, IN. Me with the other MOH. With Emily!

Theta Emily SmithI definitely didn't prepare myself for going to the wedding stag. I've been to family weddings by myself, but never a friends wedding. It was definitely strange at first and hard to really get into the reception. After about a half hour or hour I started to settle in and enjoy dancing with all of the guests. It was great to spend time with Emily, her family and catch up with another Theta who made the trip. Once I started dancing, it was hard to stop.

Christmas was relaxing this year. I had to work a late morning, early afternoon shift on Christmas Eve, but was able to make it to church and dinner with the family. Christmas day my family and I met and had breakfast together then opened gifts. I will update you on all of the things I tease in my opening paragraph in the next day or two -- promise!