Friday, July 22, 2011

TGI... Margarita Pie

Yes, this is a Margarita Pie. I know, it's not something I can make for dinner, but it is a new recipe and not one I found online. My cousin sent it to me out of the blue and after mentioning it at work, my co-workers requested I make it for our cookout this morning. Yes, this morning - welcome to morning news. Every so often on a Friday we will grill out in between the shows - we call it Fired Up Fridays. We have a grill on the terrace outside the station and everyone brings a little something to share. I was in charge of the pie. As you can guess, it was a rough week and we needed something to look forward to at the end of the day. Of course, with the record heat, it was a nice refreshing dessert. Not to mention, it is extremely easy to make. If you are a fan of margaritas you will love this treat. To quote one of my co-workers, "It's a margarita in my mouth".

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Twelve Months Later

Wow, it's hard to believe a year ago today Drew and I were celebrating our engagement with family and friends. It doesn't seem that long ago, yet a lot has happened in those 12 months. I can only imagine how quickly these next couple of months will past by, especially once Drew gets home. It will be nice to have him around to continue planning for the big day. We did get a lot done before he left and my mom and I have been meeting with florists, looking at invitations, and creating a save the date.
Of course, Drew didn't forget the date. He sent these BEAUTIFUL flowers to the house with a wonderful card. I am such a lucky girl :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quinoa Pasta with Grilled Veggies

Recipe #2 didn't turn out as well as my first. It definitely looked and smelled good, but if I make it again in the future I may have to make some tweaks to it. I overcooked the pasta a little bit, but that's an easy fix. The veggies were delicious, but it was the dressing that I didn't quite enjoy. Now, some of it is my fault since I forgot to add the Apple Cider Vinegar. The recipe also called for fresh herbs and mustard which both seemed quite overpowering without the vinegar. I am also not a big fan of wilted lettuce and the recipe calls for spinach to be mixed in prior to everything sitting in the fridge for 6 hours.
Overall, not a terrible turnout, but one that looked better than it tasted.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cake Balls

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm now focused on conquering the kitchen. From the start of this deployment I swore I would learn how to cook. Now, don't get me wrong I can make a mean omelet, a tasty salad, grilled cheese, tomato soup, and various desserts. However I when I whip something up, I do it in a matter of minutes because that's what I feel like in the moment. Cooking for two... now that's another story. The thing is, I love cookbooks and have quite a few to pick from. I tell myself I will use it, eventually when I it's not just me eating.

Fast forward however many months since Drew left and I've only looked at the pictures in them. So, my plan is to pick one recipe each week from one of the cookbooks and try it out. That will get quite a few meals under my belt before he is home.

Now, while I can't serve them for dinner I decided to tackle cake balls as my first recipe. I needed something for the 4th of July and figured these seemed like a good choice. Basically, it's a mini cake dessert. Starbucks sells a similar item in its stores. Anyways, while they are time consuming to make, they were really easy. And, from the feedback I got, they were really good. The fun part is you can you use whatever cake mix you want, icing, and then dip the ball in whatever you desire. I chose Devil's food cake, cream cheese icing, dumped in peanut butter.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Miss Green Thumb

Yes, I've tackled a tree. I can handle the grass (although does anyone know how to string a weed-whip?), and now I am tackling the landscape. I know it probably doesn't sound all that impressive, but I am proud to say that I've ripped out weeds, planted flowers and kept the yard looking, well, acceptable. It's another example of a learning experience from this deployment. God bless my mom for never forcing me to do yard work. Now that I'm on my own in a sense I have no choice than to keep the yard up. While some days it can be a pain -the random weeds popping up here and there drive me crazy - overall it's been a... fulfilling project to watch the flowers grow. It's a project I started and will only succeed if I continue to take care of each flower. I still have some work to do in the back, but slowly but surely everything is coming together.

Keep your fingers crossed everything continues to grow and looks beautiful for when Drew returns.

Next stop... the kitchen.