Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seriously, who owns a monkey..?

OK, this story is a week or two old, but I can't believe I didn't blog about it earlier. I had to stop by David's Bridal last Friday to get fitted for a bridesmaid dress. For those of you who haven't been there, you walk in and there is a desk in front where a woman/consultant sits and can look items up for a particular wedding. And then to the left is the main desk with a register, etc. This particular Friday the consultant was working with a bride and there was a group standing at the register checking out. I stood between the door and consultant dress to wait my turn. It was late, I was tired and only half paying attention. Well the group next to me went to leave and as they passed I felt something smack my thigh. I figured it was just a kid and ignored it.
(The following conversation happened in a total 15 seconds)
I hear the consultant say, "O my God! Did you see that, it jumped on her!"
I turn around to watch the group leave and out of the corner of my eye I see a leash and something furry. Thinking it was only a dog I turned back around only to hear someone else say, "Did you see that! The monkey jumped on her!" Pointing and looking at me.
I turn around again and sure enough almost out of the door is a monkey - on a leash - wearing a diaper!!
I of course became the center of conversation because the monkey apparently jumped on my leg as the group was walking out. Still half a sleep, I never did find out why the monkey was in David's Bridal. But, it had been the talk of the evening before I got there. Seriously though, I didn't think you were allowed to own a monkey, much less bring it to David's Bridal. But, for all of you men out there, I guess it is legal...

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's About Time...

..I update this blog.

..that Lexi begins cheering for the Bengals and joins us at a tailgate (the day before Drew left).. that I spend time with my best friend Emily and celebrate her upcoming wedding...that the Reds have a winning season and make it to the playoffs (FYI: it's been 15 years since they've made it to postseason play. Let's just hope tonight's game two is better than game one).
I don't know where the time goes each day but for some reason I just can't seem to sit down and update this page. I'm working on it though. These are the big three things that have happened since Drew left. I took Lexi to PetsMart yesterday to get her out of the house and pick up a couple of things. I decided I want to weigh her each month and possibly take a picture of her on the scale to send to Drew. It's been 2 months since she was last weighed so I was curious to see how much weight she has added. Drew and couldn't remember exactly, but we were thinking she was about 72 pounds when she was spayed at six months. At nine months now, miss Lexi is a whopping... 95lbs! Yes, she is coming up on triple digits! It's so funny to me because now that I see her every day it's hard to really gage if she is growing at all.