Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Congrats Graduates

It's hard to believe that it's already mid May and time for students to graduate. I want to personally congratulate both of my brothers for graduating. Kevin just recently graduated while Matt received his diploma a couple of months ago. Time sure flies. My parents officially do not have a single child in school. I'm sure that feels great. Now we can focus on the wedding - just kidding!

I know there are quite a few other friends of mine who have finished up grad school. Becky, congrats to you! I know you will be a fantastic physical therapist! Enjoy your trip abroad!

Drew, I'm so proud of you for getting through a semester of school while overseas. I can't even imagine how frustrating some of those days/projects had to be while working.

And, for everyone else just a few steps away from your degree/graduate degree.. you are almost there! Keep your head up and don't give up!

Other than celebrating Kevin's graduation, there isn't a whole lot of exciting news to share. Lexi and I have had our fair share of visits to the vet. She had her one year shot check up last week and everything looks good. Sadly, that wasn't the end of things. She had a cut on her face that she just kept scratching at which led me back to the vet yesterday for a special spray and a cone/lampshade collar thing. That did NOT go well at all. I can't even begin to explain how awful it was to put that thing on her. She went absolutely nuts! I have never seen her so upset before and so confused. I did not think she would come near me again. She didn't move from the floor for nearly 7 hours before I finally said screw it and took it off of her. Even then, she didn't move. Once she did, there was a puddle of water where he face had been laying (from crying and salivating from her freak out breathing). She is good now - no collar. And, the massive cut is drying up. I'm crossing my fingers that she doesn't have any more issues and we can stay away from the vet until her next scheduled visit.

Now, if only Mother Nature will settle down and stop bringing rain. I am so sick of the cold, rainy days. I can not wait for sunshine. Hopefully it will come out soon because the grass really needs to be cut!

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