OK, so I know how much everyone enjoys pictures so I should probably add a few here and give you an update on Drew. Drew has been overseas since early December. And, I need to begin with a big congratulations to him!! He was accepted into grad school and will be starting this week while he is overseas. I am so proud of him!! He is going to be very busy for the next couple of months while he is away. He's done an amazing job of staying in touch with me and letting me know he's thinking of me. Sure some days are still rough as he's so many miles away, but overall things have been going well. Instead of dwelling on the fact that he has to be gone for a year, we're "embracing" the deployment and making it as fun as we can considering the situation. For example... Traveling Drew...

His cousin Jesy gets all of the credit she created dozens and dozens of Traveling Drews that are traveling all parts of the country

(yes, Traveling Drew is heading to Jamaica soon) and surprising Drew with pictures.
Lexi and I have been getting along too. She's made friends with another soldier's dog. This is Lexi with the soldier's girlfriend's dog Scruff.

They look pretty funny standing next to each other. Poor Scruff LOVED Lexi. He kept hanging on her leg and she just kept walking as though she had no idea there was a little rug rat hanging on her. The other dog was a lot bigger and he and Lexi kept each other occupied. By the end of the play dates, she is worn out!
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