Since the last time I wrote... I attended a wedding, celebrated Christmas, got sick, slept through the new year, bonded a lot with Lexi, helped Drew travel around town :) and got back into the swing of planning my wedding. So, my lack of updating is not due to a lack of things to write about. More or less because of too much going on and the idea of sitting down to type just seems grueling. But, here I am again, ready to share some news and pictures. I'll begin with the wedding, Emily's wedding. 
She and Jon were married December 18th in Wabash, IN. Me with the other MOH. With Emily!
Theta Emily Smith
I definitely didn't prepare myself for going to the wedding stag. I've been to family weddings by myself, but never a friends wedding. It was definitely strange at first and hard to really get into the reception. After about a half hour or hour I started to settle in and enjoy dancing with all of the guests. It was great to spend time with Emily, her family and catch up with another Theta who made the trip. Once I started dancing, it was hard to stop.
Christmas was relaxing this year. I had to work a late morning, early afternoon shift on Christmas Eve, but was able to make it to church and dinner with the family. Christmas day my family and I met and had breakfast together then opened gifts.
1 comment:
Congrats to Emily!!
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