Sunday, November 1, 2009

Goodbye October

For those of you have been following my blog for a while now, you may remember that this time last year I was let go from my job. It's amazing how much has changed since then and I can't imagine where I would be if I hadn't taken the risk and moved across the country. Then decided to move back home. I've grown a lot and am looking forward to the next chapters of my life. Needless to say, I was not going to let another Halloween pass by without a little fun. I attempted to celebrate the evening dressed as the Queen of Pop, Madonna (Like A Virgin) and my good friend Renae was Mrs. Incredible. And yes, that is a sumo wrestler in the background ;)(I should add that I wore that skirt when I was about 10 year's old. It's part of an old ballet costume.) Even man's best friend dressed up as America's superhero.Here are some creative costumes from a costume party I attended last night...

Third place went to a spoof of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video feat. Justin Timberlake that SNL did a skit of months ago. (SNL video from youtube if you haven't seen it before: Place: Snap, Krackle and Pop from the Rice Krispies Cereal boxFirst prize: Rosie and Mr. Red Legs (yes, the heads are huge! They used paper mache.)


Susanne said...

OMG!!! First off you are adorable. Secondly.. those are the most interesting and creative costumes I've seen! So funny! Anyways, hope you had a better Halloween this time around =)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pictures. those costumes are great! you look fabulous. hope you have a great week.

Anonymous said...

We need to catch up! I want to hear about your homecoming trip back to B-town!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, last comment from "rooms" :-P LB