Yes, it's that time of the year again. The leaves are changing colors, the stores are filling with seasonal items and of course, the annual pumpkin carving! Drew and I spent the gorgeous Monday outside with the bright orange vegetables trying to carve the perfect jack-o-lantern. We thought about watiting until it was closer to the weekend, but it was so nice out and he figured someone will probably steal or smash them anyways so we went ahead and cut them. If you know me, I can get quite competitve when it comes to carving. Drew likes to believe his is the best, and I'd have to DISagree. You can judge for yourself....
(By the way, the one on the left is a skeleton and the right is a "B" for the Bengals.)

We did take a picture of the two of us holding our pumpkins, but it's on Drew's camera so I'm not sure if I will be able to post it or not.

It's hard to believe October is coming to an end. Time is flying by so fast. I'm sure I will be writing about Thanksgiving before I know it. But first, I need to figure out a costume and enjoy the weekend.
Speaking of time flying, Drew and I brought out the old school Nintendo this past weekend. I was disappointed that Duck Hunt doesn't work on his TV, but we were able to compete against each other in Paper Boy and Dr. Mario. Boy, do I have some practicing to do!! I was awful. It is crazy how much systems and graphics have changed over the years. Everything use to be so simple. It made me laugh to think how much fun we were having stacking colored pills on top of viruses in Dr. Mario. I can't imagine what kids would say who didn't grow up with the game.
1 comment:
Those are some pretty crafty pumpkins! Thanks for the card again =) I love receiving cards! I'll have to send you one soon!!! Have a wonderful Halloween!
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