Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bump, set, spike!

Good news, my sand volleyball team withstood the cold and won our game last night! In that case, tournament play continues next week. Let's just hope it warms up a bit before then. Surprisingly, it didn't seem that cold, but I was wearing two pairs of socks, long yoga pants, a long sleeved shirt, and fleece jacket. I did have gloves at the beginning of the first game, but those had to go. A handful of my teammates didn't even take off their shoes for fear that the sand was too cold. (I couldn't blame RJ though, his feet turned purple last week.) Besides winning, the hot chocolate was probably the highlight of the night. Dave came prepared with a large canteen of hot chocolate and cups for everyone.

Overall, our team played pretty well. We ended up playing against a friend of mine that I use to play JO volleyball with back in the day. It was fun seeing her again and of all places...the volleyball court. I will let you know how we do in next week's game. As long as there isn't snow...

1 comment:

Susanne said...

I didn't know you played volleyball? How long have you been playing in this league? That sounds fun. I only played in the 7th grade and was the only girl that wore basketball shorts! hahaha