I will start with the bad news first...
My computer is in a coma right now and I can't use it. I've had battery problems with it for a while, and now it refuses to stay on for much time. The screen goes black, but it doesn't shut off. Almost like it is in sleep mode and won't wake. I took it to the Best Buy, but they don't have a contract with Apple so they wouldn't look at it or even ship it off to Apple. One of the engineers here offered to look at it which is GREAT. I'll just have to wait to see. I just wanted to explain if my blogging or e-mails seem to lack.
And the good/exciting news is that I had the opportunity to do a little anchoring today. The producer who usually puts together the webcast for the day is filling in for the night producer/anchor. I asked the news director yesterday if I could take a shot at it and he gave me the OK. Not a bad opportunity considering I've been here less than 3 months. So, I will fill in the rest of the week and one more time at the end of the month when she fills in for the morning show producer.
Alright, back to work. It's crunch time before the 5pm show.
I know you are going to do great! I can hear it now "I'm Megan George with (insert station) news..." It has a great ring to it. Make sure you post a link so we can see you in action. Can't wait to see it. :-) Miss you!
I agree with Becks, I want to see you broadcast as an anchor! Congrats, it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job
(not surprised) in Washington!
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