Friday, October 10, 2008

Playing by the Rules

I know I've mentioned a couple of times about how this is such an interesting and exciting time to be a part of the media and have unlimited resources into the events and facts of the day's current events. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm working and swimming in election information or that I finally reached the age when presidential elections really mean something and are intriguing to follow, but this one seems a bit over the top. I find myself upset with things that I'm hearing and reading. Case in point, this CNN article. Campaign parties aside, this is SO wrong! It really angers me to learn about events such as these going on around the country. Similar things were/are going on in OH. A group registered homeless people multiple times in multiple counties. What happened to playing fair? I can't remember a time when voting and registration was this bad. Although, this is only my second election.

And, as it is my second time voting I'm extremely disappointed that I still won't get to go to a voting poll. I was in school four years ago and while I am a resident of WA, the entire state votes absentee - how bazaar is that?! Why would anyone want to open and count ALL the ballots by hand when it could be done by a computer? Those people who have mailboxes near the street could have their ballots stolen and someone else could fill it out. Then there's always the possibility that when the ballot is mailed back it could get lost in the mail.

Wow, I can't believe I just went off on a voting/election tangent. I'll leave you with a funny e-mail I received from a great friend...

Edge Designs is an all-women run company that designs interior office space. They had an opportunity to do an office project in NYC. The client allowed the women a free hand in all design aspects. The client company was also run by all women execs...
The result...We know men never talk, never look at each other
and probably never laugh much in the's a serious and quiet place...Now, the men'
s restroom is a place of laughter and smiles.


Anonymous said...

i thought that email that kelli sent was hilarius!!!! it brought a smile to my face too. :-) i love reading your blog and all of your good posts. keep it up megs!!!! miss you tons. i hope this month and the beginning of next month doesn't get too crazy. theta love!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

I am so excited that I made it in your blog. I hope it put a smile on your face. Have a great rest of the week!!!