Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend Review

First, "Lakeview Terrace" review... It's Samuel L. Jackson's newest thriller that I suggest seeing on video. I thought the characters were really hard to relate to and like. There really wasn't one character to root for, each one is disappointing in some way. The overall plot consists of a mixed racial couple who moves into a new neighborhood and their neighbor, Jackson, is not accepting of their relationship. Thus, rifts occur and you find out why Jackson is so angry and then the movie comes to an end. Jackson does play a bad villain, so if you are a huge fan, then maybe you will feel strongly about the movie. Keep in mind... you can't pick your neighbors, but you can pick your choose wisely.
I took it pretty easy Friday after work because I drove to Washington State University the next morning. The drive wasn't too bad, although there is literally NOTHING around. It was completely barren desert. I did find it pretty, but if I ran out of gas or had car issues, I would be in BIG trouble! I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but I am now an advisor (education) for the Theta Chapter at WSU. I ventured to the campus to meet with the other executive advisors for a training session. I had the chance to see their chapter's house and meet some of the women. It was quite different in terms of structure and definitely a weird feeling being there. Driving back, all I could think about was how much I missed everyone, but am so blessed to have wonderful friends in my life. It's during the quiet times during my day that I tend to think/over think too much and the distance sets in.
Luckily, I met with some friends later Saturday night and enjoyed a low-key evening of dessert, chatting, and Scategories.
Today has been all about relaxing with lots of Sex and the City episodes, cleaning and actually enjoying the day (something I don't do often being in a windowless newsroom). Although, I still have quite a bit of laundry to put away. I'll get back to that, and until my next blog....have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just love your blog. you are so creative with it. your review of samuel l jackson's movie is so professional. :-) i sure do miss my megan. i'll try to call you soon so that i can hear your voice and we can catch up. miss you terribly. have a wonderful week. xoxo