There's nothing like breaking news to put a producer on her (or his) feet. Not more than 2 minutes before we were about to go on air did news show up on the AP Wire that disagreements over the proposed bailout plan had occurred. So of course I literally ran to production to prepare for the show to find the key board unplugged not letting me re-type the script to include the new information. Luckily there wasn't a lot of details and I was able to get by just by changing the tense of some words. I didn't, however, have enough time to get into the next script and change some facts about McCain's campaign being excited over the proposal and optimistic that everything would come together so he would attend tomorrow debate. The rest of the show went smooth with no problems. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow, if a plan is accepted and the debate goes on. I will say, after continuously viewing and editing video of the meetings for the bill, I have so much respect for legislatures. I may not always agree, but I can't imagine the patience they must have to sit through, listen and find a common ground. I consider myself a pretty patient person, but I have a feeling I would get pretty irritated and frustrated throughout the process...not my dream job.
Alright, I need to get myself moving so I can stay awake through the night's movie. I'm a little sad I'm going to miss Grey's, but that's what the Internet is for. Thank you ABC ;)
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