I should really be asleep right now as I have to get up really early to teach, but a part of me isn't quite tired yet so I figure I will write a quick post to update you on the last two weeks. April has been a very busy month for us. Drew spent a week in Seattle for additional Amazon training, I spent a day in Columbus for advanced Pure Barre training, I started my real estate classes, and we had our first house guests! Oh yea and I may have had my birthday on Friday ;)
Needless to say, it's been an exciting 14 days!
This weekend was shorter than usually since Drew had to work an extra day (he was off an extra day the week before when we had family in town), but we made every minute count and were able to spend quality time together which we don't get too much of these days. It made for a low key, and relaxing birthday. He got some yard work done around the house while I was working, and then caught up on his sleep. Friday night we celebrated my birthday with a dinner to PF Changs.
I promise I'm not that pale! |
I love that they have a menu of gluten free items to pick from, including a chocolate torte. This evening I spent dinner with my parents and brother. Mom grilled out and I was able to enjoy a nice home cooked meal with great company. Unfortunately, Kevin couldn't come because he was enjoying his own birthday celebrations at a music festival, but that just means we all get to get together again next weekend.
Last weekend was full of family fun on Drew's side. He and his sisters hosted the 4th annual Susan Bake Off in memory of their mom. His aunt, uncle and cousins drove in from Georgia for the event and stayed with us. They were our first guests! Of course, that meant leading up to the weekend we were putting beds together, organizing paperwork (our office was a disaster!), cleaning, cleaning, and attempting more cleaning. It really wasn't as bad as I may make it sound, it was just a lot of last minute stuff. Drew's sister moved into her new place the weekend before and in turn we "inherited" a lot of stuff. Drew was then in Seattle the days leading up to his family getting into town, so whatever we didn't get done together before, I had to get ready myself. Luckily, we inherited two extra beds (one from Gayle and one from Jill) so all of our guests had a place to sleep. But, we also inherited a lot of tools, another (our third) refrigerator, a dresser, etc. etc. Our garage is still a disaster, but the bedrooms turned out great.
I'll touch more on the house in a future post, as well as some of the other topics I teased, as now I am getting sleepy and it's getting late. Four a.m. will be here before I know it!