Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chill in the Air

Mother nature, please make up your mind! I can't believe how cold it is outside. Okay, I guess it isn't that cold considering it is January, but the random warm days throughout the week are such a tease. Saturday was beautiful, and today I saw flurries! Not cool.
Outside of the weather, it was another busy week for us. I finished painting the bathroom (I know, I owe you photos), picked up some furniture/clutter from my parents house, worked, and spent the weekend with one of my great friends, Beth, who was in town looking for wedding dresses. I had a blast getting to know the other bridesmaids and looking for her dress, but boy was it exhausting! It makes me laugh to think about because I hardly had to do anything. She was the one trying on dresses and trying to make a decision. The first appointment was at 9:30am and we wrapped up at 5pm. It was a long day, but well worth it because she found "the dress"! (Sorry, no picture to share - you'll have to wait until she is married.)
Speaking of "the dress" one of the stores we stopped at was where I found my dress. And, as luck should have it, a girl looking for her dress tried mine on. It gave me a weird, exciting feeling. At the same time, It was strange how different I thought the girl looked in the dress. I know that sounds terrible, but I guess since I had never seen anyone in the dress before, I see it as "my" dress. The girl didn't seem too excited wearing the dress so I don't think it was the one for her. Regardless, it was fun to be on the other side of the process. It's the first wedding I am a part of since Drew and I got married so I have a different perspective on things, and I feel as though I can offer useful advice. Beth's wedding will also be our first destination wedding. Beth is originally from Cincinnati, but she lives in Chicago now and her family move to Jacksonville. The wedding will be in Florida in October. We're planning to make a vacation out of it. Okay, now I am just rambling.

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