Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pre-wedding obstsacle

If getting a notice for jury wasn't enough to deal with (okay, truthfully it wasn't that bad, as I had plenty of time to send in my request to change the date and it was no problem), but on Friday, the day of the rehearsal and dinner, my mom called with more news. My license expired last month and I had a post card from the BMV letting me know. I had no idea. Isn't there some sort of warning you get that your license will expire? Not to mention, I'm going to need a new one with my new name (and new address once we move!). But, with a trip to Mexico just a couple of days away, it seemed imperative that I get a new license ASAP!

BUT.. my day was already planned out! I needed to run a couple more errands. Go home. Shower. Curl my hair. Get dressed up. Pack for the next two days. Leave before rush hour to get to church on time. Getting a license was not in my schedule! So, as an emotion female before her wedding day, while standing in line at the mall with Drew and hearing the news from my mom I broke down. Yes, tears started to flow, slowly, while Drew was trying to pay for something. Let me be clear, in hindsight, it wasn't that big of a deal. But, going to the BMV was the last thing I wanted to do, on top of everything else - it was as though the state was trying to keep us from getting married! Then, I just had a fear that if I didn't get a new license I would have issues boarding the plan, traveling, etc. Luckily, we drove separately to the mall so I left and put my errands on hold. I went home, got ready, packed and made it to the BMV before rush hour and closing time. Let me tell you, I got lots of looks while I was waiting. I'm sure they thought I was some self-centered girl who needed to be all dolled up for her picture - wearing a nice dress, high heels, curled hair and makeup. Nope - just getting married tomorrow! And yes, I'll be back again soon to change my name.
I did make it to the rehearsal with time to spare. The rehearsal flew by quickly and then it was time to mingle and eat. Overall, I think everyone had a good time. Drew and I really wanted it to be a casual event where people could mingle and feel relaxed, not stuck in there seat.
The evening was full of personalized items and snacks to showcase our personalities.

Popcorn for me. Rice crispy treats for Drew. I even got to invite those few people who were making the trip that I don't get to see much. Its been four years since I've seen my sorority sisters Kelli (yes, since graduation!).
We finally got to catch up in person that night since the next day would be full of meeting and greeting guests. If you are reading Kelli, thank you for making the trip!

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