Some of my favorites over the last couple of weeks. Lexi sure is getting big... but still a puppy (7 months) at heart.
After moving the oven to sweep, Lexi would not go back into the kitchen. It must have made some noise that spooked her. She refused to leave the other side of the house and as soon as Drew was in there, she was on his lap, so afraid of the "boogie monster oven".

These are the most recent. Just last week miss Lexi decided she wanted to be more like her parents.. Drew told her to sit, and, well, she did, just not on the floor...

I promise to get some more things on here soon. It's been a bit crazy here, getting back to my overnight work schedule, prepping for my new 4:25 am show (yes, that says A.M), and getting some wedding decisions made - all before Drew leaves in about 2 weeks. Needless to say, I haven't made blogging a top priority, but I will try to keep it on my list as the events I just listed are a big part of what's going on in my life.
Keep checking back!!
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