And it has been a busy one at that.
It started last week with Drew's aunt, uncle and two cousins coming in for his going away party. All of us met at the armory to go out for lunch and then Drew gave Thomas an indepth tour of the armory. Armed with lots of questions for Drew, Thomas got a peek inside some of the armored vehicles.

Then it was time to gather with friends and family. Drew's other aunt and uncle graciously offered up their home and hosted a wonderful party. His sister and family friend made these wonderful party favors for everyone to take home.

A candle to help "light his way home" and a prayer card to hang on their refrigerator. Wonderful, simple gifts to remind everyone to keep Drew and his soldiers in their thoughts and prayers. A family friend -and priest (the same man who will marry us) - came and gave both Drew and another soldier a special blessing.

Of course, there was more laughter than sadness that night. And with any family party - lots of jello! It really was nice to see so many people come out and see Drew off.

My cupcakes in honor of Drew and the Bengals

The next day my parents held a cookout with my mom's family to celebrate our engagement. More food and family - can't complain. It had also been awhile since I'd seen some of them and the first time they'd met Drew.
gluten-free cake

mmm I love Betty Crocker's wheat free cookie mix - thank you Kelli!

Then Wednesday there was a special ceremony for the soldiers. It was held to recognize their call to duty. It was very emotional - but a very humbling experience too.
That's him right there in the middle (between the two shoulders) entering the ceremony

I've never been as proud of Drew as I was at that moment, seeing him and hearing how much he's accomplished and will accomplish in the months to come. Afterwards, my mom, Drew's sisters and cousin all went out to lunch.

So, the countdown is near the end. Drew leaves for Oklahoma Monday and it seems like there is still tons to do. I've started moving my stuff into his house, but I know I'll go continuing moving things for at least a month. The good news.. I'll be able to see his face every night....

And that night, the soldiers were given tickets to the Reds game to spend time both together and with their families. I was a bit slap happy having been up more than 24 hrs without a nap!

The Reds won - which I am taking as a good sign.