Yes, I made it through my first week working and it was wonderful. Everyone is extremely friendly, helpful and willing to teach. The environment is totally different from my old station, but at the same time very similar. Because I am working in the morning, it's a lot less stressful. Until 3:30 in the morning it's only the three producers, executive producer and me. Then, the anchors and reporters come in to prepare for the 5am show. Everyone has their own routine and is ready to go at 5 (We have a 5,6 and 7am show). From 1-4:50 I help out in the newsroom writing stores and helping out the producers. During the show I will be the extra production person; running cameras, helping out with scripts or changes in the show. All of last week I trained on camera 3 and today I was in charge of it. I did a decent job, only messing up once when I zoomed in a little too much - the show went on. Tomorrow I will be in charge of camera two and will train after the show on camera one. Then, I will be ready to take over any camera when someone is sick or on vacation. Saturday mornings are even more laid back. There is one producer for the two hour show (6-8am) and the executive producer helps out. Eventually, I will probably take over the EP's duties so she can go back to working Mon-Friday.
Overall, everything is going great. I honestly feel like I have the best job in the world. I really do look forward to going to the station and reading up on the news/events going on in the area and around the world. After my shift, I go home and sleep until 5 or so. Then, I am up and attempting to have a social life -- which leads me to another first...
I went to the driving range Friday (I've probably swung a club 3 times in my entire life) and on Sunday I was playing my first 9 holes! It was crazy, but I didn't do too bad. I actually had a lot of fun and would like to keep trying. I will keep you posted on my golf game.
And, for a bit of visual stimulation... here are some pictures from my parents trip to Hong Kong. They were there for a little over a week and had a pretty good time. Both of them said they enjoyed the experience, but would not want to live there.

1 comment:
You played golf?!?!?! haha I love it mrgeorge. If I ever get to see you again, we should hit up a course! Good luck with the job and the new hobby!
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