Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Back to blogging...

The days seem to slip away so quickly these past couple of weeks. I think in part because I think of my job as a part time job instead of a temporary one - but realistically I am working ALL day. I'm definitely not complaining because I really am enjoying myself and the people at the office are great. I just tend to plan way to much into 24 hours and wonder why I'm exhausted at the end of the day. I'm not sure how much I mentioned about the job, but I am working at the Cincinnati Breast Surgeons office. The group just moved into a new building and acquired some new patients. The front desk is also a little short staffed right now because one of the receptionists blew out her knee and hasn't been in to work. The two ladies working right now are wonderful. They are enjoying my help and were asking the office manager last week how long I was going to be with them and then if they could "keep me". haha I suppose that is a good sign. Quick story... There is a sign in sheet at the front desk and the other day a new patient hesitated and said she wasn't sure she wanted to sign in. Apparently, the person who created the sheet messed up and typed Cincinnati Beast Surgeons - woops! When it was brought to her attention, she laughed and said she did the same thing to the web site! ahah too funny. That just proves you can't always count on spell check. As I think I've mentioned, most of my time is spent in a little room i like to call my closet scanning and sorting charts. Well, the other day I was out behind the front desk working with all of the charts in the filling cabinets rearranging and organizing. A patient was talking to the receptionists about scheduling her next appointment and it finally dawned on me where exactly I was working. Although she had a scarf around her head I could tell she was completely bald. She's obviously a fighter and had a good spirit at the time, but it must be hard for the nurses and surgeons having to give the bad news to patients that they have cancer. I am extremely grateful right now that I do have my health. As crazy as the economy and job market is, I am healthy, my immediate family is healthy. I am definitely praying and thinking of those that aren't as lucky.

I don't want to end this on a somber note, so I will leave you with two things... One, a co-worker in WA reminded me that next time I have an interview I can say I've been working for CBS and two, the family with the Fun Dip loving dog did call for me to babysit again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! you are alive. :-) who wouldn't love working with megs? i am glad that things are going well with it and that it isn't too stressful. i hope it continues to go well. at least you are employed, right? miss you


p.s. thanks for the adorable card and sweet note. :-)