Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In case you are interested

I hope everyone is having a great week and if you were off yesterday for President's Day a wonderful shortened week. I don't have too much to share so far. I did start my new job at the doctor's office (a group of female breast surgeons). The work is pretty harmless. I find certain patient's files, sort through keeping only the last 10 years and then scan the paper's into the computer. The group of surgeons just bought a colleagues practice so this is their way of acquiring the paperwork they need. In that case, I sit at my little desk sorting and scanning while listening to my iPod - I told you it is harmless.

My main reason for blogging now is to share a link with you. Most of you know my issue(s) with food including the ever so popular wheat. I found this article/blog/ earlier today and thought I'd share it. I thought it might give a little insight into my no wheat diet when the health world is pressing whole grains. Another interesting link I found while reading the article is about whether or not gluten free is the way to be. I've become super intrigued with diet and to body since my troubles started 3 or so years ago. If it's not your cup of tea, then just ignore this post, but I'm always looking to share and or help things make a bit more sense.

(HINT: click on the underlined words to be directed to the link. Let me know if they do not work)

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