... it definitely was a long one. I won't even mention how many hours I spent at the station because I feel lucky to be a part of an election year. Election day only comes around once every four years so the extra time is worth it.
I have to say, no one knows what the future holds, but I have NEVER seen so many people excited about one event. The video from New York reminds me of New Year's Eve. Chicago too is overflowing with people. It's really unbelievable how many people this election has brought out from both parties.
On a humerus note, it might be because I work in TV, but did anyone else notice all of the mistakes tonight? I can't remember exactly what stations they occurred on (definitely ABC) but so many times the anchors tossed to a reporter who wasn't ready or didn't have their mic turned on. One station even tossed to a reporter standing in front of the green screen without an image for almost 15 seconds before the image was added. All of us in the newsroom got a kick out of it. It's nice to see that even major networks mess up.
Thank you to everyone who has called or e-mail me since Friday. I really appreciate it. I promise I will get back to you if I haven't. I've been a little preoccupied with preparations for today and trying to get things figured out for the next month. I know the time will pass by extremely fast and I have a lot of things to think about and do before then.
Please continue to keep in touch and I will do the same!
1 comment:
i didn't forget about calling you back i promise. i will try to call you this weekend. i have a test on friday so i am preparing for that as we speak (well not RIGHT this second but i should be). miss you xoxo
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