That's right. Only 100 more days of being a single lady. It's hard to believe since by the time we do say "I do", we will have been engaged for 22 months. Talk about enjoying the engagement! No, honestly, I wouldn't do it any different. Don't get me wrong, I would marry Drew in a heart beat, but there is something about having ample time to plan. Which in return has made the entire process very stress free. Sure, I have worried about this and that, and there is still plenty for us to do, but overall, we have been able to get the things we've wanted (reception location, affordable hotels, etc.) because we scheduled and planned for everything so far in advance. I can also say that this week in particular has been a very exciting week.
* My brother offered to handle our wedding video as a gift
* Rehearsal dinner food was decided on
* My dad chose our father-daughter dance song. And, proving just how much alike we are, he chose the exact song I was leaning towards after hearing it on the radio months ago, without me saying a word to anyone about it.
* We met with the Deacon for the first of 4 Pre-Cana meetings, as well as signed up for our Pre-Cana "retreat"
* My boss approved my time off before and after the wedding
* Bridesmaid dresses arrived
* Invitations are ready
* And, if all things go well, we will look at wedding bands on Sunday
Not bad for it only being Thursday. And, while I know we still have lots to do, at this rate, things are looking good. Next week I have my first alteration scheduled for my dress. Then, I am hoping to get the invitations put together and labeled over the next weekend because once March rolls around we start running out of days. I think we have something every weekend next month. All I know is I am going to enjoy the ride!