My headline says it all.
Really, life is good. Life is busy. But, things are great. Work has kept me insanely busy the last 4 weeks. Boy, I can't believe I am four weeks into the 10. Anyways, when I am away from work, I find myself always on the go. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, it's just a big change of pace which is funny, because I thought I was busy before my shift change. I went from working 2 part time jobs that complimented each other nicely, to working overtime/45 hrs a week. Then, I babysit and play volleyball on Monday (my "weekend") and Drew and I have been trying to play golf on Tuesdays. So, yes I have been staying very busy - but I do it to myself so I am smiling about it. The last 5 days or so were super busy. I had to be at the station during the morning show Saturday (it was nice to see everybody) after working Friday night, then again Saturday night. On Sunday I did army stuff with Drew and went to a bridal shower before going to work. Monday was the big Jimmy Buffet concert and Tuesday Drew and I had dinner with another couple.
Jimmy Buffet was COLD this year. Burr!! Luckily, mother nature held off and it didn't rain on us. Unfortunately, I ended up in jeans and a jacket instead of the fun floral clothes I planned on wearing. But, we still made sure to wear our glow in the dark bracelets/necklaces. This is Jill and i trying to show off our glow sticks with a tough face :)

We really did have a great time. A big group of us took a boat over again.

And, Buffet wrapped up the show with one of my favorite songs... FINS! Check out all the fins behind me too!

(Drew has a way of capturing me in the most awkward photos.)
Here is Drew and the future bride. Mallory, Drew and Mallory's fiance Patrick are all in the military. Mallory and Patrick just got back from their tours in Iraq and will be getting married this summer.

Drew is in the wedding, and as you can tell was excited to see Mallory this weekend. She and Patrick are stationed in Texas.
And here are some Lexi pictures. Unfortunately, they are not the most current. These are actually from a couple weeks ago - she is even bigger now - and is not even close to growing into her paws!

Thankfully, she loves water!

She even seems to understand the word bath. Drew and his sister were talking about giving her a bath the other day within a couple minutes, she walked herself into the bathroom and climbed into the tub. She just sat there waiting for someone to bathe her!
And lastly, but certainly not least. I got the most amazing surprise the other day from my fabulous friend Kelli. God bless her. She sent me this fantastic box of Gluten Free goodies, all made by General Mills.

I can't even begin to describe how excited I was to open it. At this point, I have only had the fruit snacks (yes, I said fruit snacks) and they were yummy. I'm planning on having some cereal tomorrow and maybe a fruit roll up or some gushers. Thank you thank you thank you Kelli for thinking of me. I can't wait to try it all!