Yes, I think you know what that title means! After nearly a year of working the 1am to 9 (or 10)am I am switching gears!! I had a meeting at the station yesterday and was asked to help fill in while one of the producers is on maternity leave. So, for the next 10 weeks I will be producing the 10 pm show Wednesday through Sunday. Yes, I do in a sense lose my weekend, but I can meet up afterwards when I get done at 10:30. Regardless, as the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air would say, "my life got flipped-turned upside down" because my hours will now be... wait for it... 2pm - 10:30pm. Not exactly normal, but not crazy ridiculous either. I will finish out my current schedule/shifts this week and begin producing THIS SUNDAY.
So, thank you everyone who has either 1. dealt with and accommodated my crazy hours and 2. has listened to me, telling me to keep my head up when I've been frustrated.
Also, for those of you thinking of Lexi, she is doing MUCH better! Our little pup is almost back to normal. It's actually been hard to keep her from running around. I feel bad putting her in her cage, but I don't want her to get too comfortable and not letting her femur heal. Drew is definitely excited that she is getting better. He's anxiously waiting to take her on walks again. He thinks she is getting restless without them. I told Drew to wait and hear what the vet has to say tomorrow. Lexi has an appointment for another round of shots and therefore the vet will be able to see her progress with her leg.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Poor Lexi
Our little (not for long she's already 24lbs!) Lexi has a boo boo. Drew and I took her to the vet after he notied she was walking funny. They were finishing up a walk and on their way home he said she was walking almost sideways. She was limping, babying her back right leg. The vet was able to pin-point her pain to her femur. She mentioned a handful of possibilities, but decided to treat it as a bruise for right now and gave us an anti-inflammatory. If it doesn't get better in the next couple of days, we will have it x rayed. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but only time will tell. Right now, she's sleeping a lot and moving very little which is strange for her. We usually take her on walks two or three times a day just to wear her out! Maybe Drewwill finally find time to do some laundry and clean up a bit...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Four Fabulous Days with Friends and Family
Who would have thought being 24 would be so much fun! Boy, I am exhausted but it is so worth it. I just had the most fantastic weekend. My wonderful sorority sister and best friend drove in from Chicago to celebrate my birthday and spend time with me. I've only seen Emily once since we graduated nearly two years ago and that visit was a short half hour. So being able to spend some time with her was amazing. Emily drove down to see me on Friday and finally got to meet Drew and little Lexi (ps. she's already 25lbs!!).
The next day, Emily, Drew, my two brothers and I met for breakfast down by Drew's house before heading to the Reds game. As luck would have it, the Reds were playing the Cubs. 
Between the Cubs winning and Emily trying her first Skyline cheese coney, she left the stadium a happy girl.
It really was the perfect day for a baseball game. Each one of us left with a crazy farmers tan!
The fun didn't stop there. After taking a short nap, the four of us (minus my brother Kevin) headed to dinner on the river.
We were starving. Can you tell Drew and I were pretty excited to get our dinner!
Not only was the food fantastic, but so was the view. A handful of the Cubs players sat diagonally from us! Emily was in heaven!! She left the restaurant with the first baseman's autograph thanks to Drew embarrassing her! The laughter and fun continued through the night.
Sunday morning she said goodbye and headed back to Chicago. My family gathered to celebrate birthday's. My 24th birthday was Monday and Kevin's 21st is today!! We had lunch at Uno's. I really enjoy going there once in awhile because I can order a gluten-free pizza. Every so often it's nice to have the option of not ordering a salad. We came back home for presents and dessert. My mom made a mouth-watering trifle for the two of us.
The celebrations continued on Monday (my actual birthday). Drew and I went out golfing. Now, the first hole was pretty rough. I definitely had some problems there, but after we got through that first one, I started to play better. I didn't expect a lot from myself. It was only my first time playing this year and 3rd time playing ever! But, I will never get better unless I practice. My fabulous four days wrapped up with a fun birthday dinner at a Mexican restaurant and a sand volleyball game. So far, 24 feels good.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Post 100!!!!
Post 100! It's hard to believe I have that much to share. Well, I wanted to make sure that this post was an exciting one. Originally, I planned to wait until Easter, but then my dad woke up "a new man" and invited Lexi to Easter dinner. Now, it might not sound like exciting news, but if you know my dad, then you'll know that he is NOT a pet person. We were allowed fish when we were little, but that was it. And is still it. He has graciously invited invited Lexi to our house for Easter dinner and I am so grateful. Easter should be interesting. It will be nice to have everyone together.
Really though...who could resist this face???

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