So, this past weekend I ventured to the theatre to see Avatar - in 3D. And, I have to say I really enjoyed it. That surprised me because Sci-fi movies aren't usually my first choice, but considering how much publicity the movie has received I knew I had to see it - and on the big screen. I only knew two things going into the movie: 1. it is about a bunch of strange blue people and 2. James Cameron has been working on it for nearly 10 years. I thought the visuals were simply stunning. I have no idea how Mr. Cameron (or any writer) comes up with his ideas, but Avatar really is out of this world (no pun intended). It is a long movie, but I was never antsy to leave. I thought about looking at my watch only because I was curious as to where we were in the film. It's my way of guessing what's next or how a movie will end.
Continuing on with movies, I finally saw The Reader with Kate Winslet. I more or less knew about the love story entwined in the plot, but I had no idea about the trial portion. It was very surprising and graphic to say the least. I'm not sure if Kate should have received the award for Best Actress because I didn't see all of the films up for the award last year, but I was extremely shocked by how old she looked in the film. Make-up did a phenomenal job aging her throughout the movie. Just beware, The Reader is very emotional and has a "heavy" storyline.
I definitely recommend both movies.
In other news, my volleyball team is back in the sand again. We played our second game this week and I am happy to say we are 6-0! That's the kind of record I like to see ;) Drew and I are also playing in a quads league starting next Thurs. It's the two of us and two other friends from high school. We are both looking forward to the competitiveness and intensity that comes with the quads league - it should be a totally different game.