I cannot believe it is already May. Where has the time gone? It's hard to believe I have been back in the Midwest for a little over four months. At least it has been a good four months, busy, but great. I'm even more excited that it's spring and the weather is beautiful.
I'm still working at the doctor's office and interviewing when I get the opportunity/offer. I'm still staying optimistic for a job locally, but until I have a contract in front of me I am going to continue meeting with news directors. This past week I interviewed in Dayton. I thought it went relatively smooth. I was surprised how male dominated the newsroom was. I think I saw two females in the entire building - it was very strange. I also received a call from a news director in Cleveland. I'm not sure how I want to follow through on that yet. I'm really hoping I will hear back from one station in the next couple of days before I decide whether to drive hours north for an interview.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not just job searching. I contacted the local Theta alumnae group last week and met a handful of the women for brunch. I had a great time and was surprised when they were all under 30; I was expecting a couple older ladies. One even attended the same high school as me so we laughed about teachers and the drama/rumors that we've heard since graduating. I of course haven't forgot about my IU Thetas! Kelli sent me some fabulous "Megan friendly" desserts for my birthday and I can't wait to continue baking them.

The brownies were AMAZING!! - which makes me a little nervous to bake the rest because I ate almost all of them in a couple of days :)
I attended another baseball game Monday. It was the perfect night for a game: clear skies, temperature in the 70's, no wind. Best of all, fantastic seats right on the third base line.

I've been told I shouldn't go a game anymore because both times I've gone they've lost. I think the Reds just have to play better at home!
Well, I think that wraps up most of the week. I'm still babysitting regularly and already have two lined up for this week. Today though I'm spending my time with my family. I'm headed to the mall with Matt and my dad to get a mother's day gift for my mom! I hope everyone else is enjoying the first days of May. And, those of you studying for finals GOOD LUCK!!! Summer is right around the corner.