I can't believe it's been a week since I was writing from the Denver airport. Boy does time go by fast. I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. It's hard to believe 2009 is only a couple of days away! Christmas with the family was nice. We had a pretty eventful Christmas Eve. It's been a tradition of ours to go to church then have dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Well, while we heading to Outback my mom called to put our name in. After she told the hostess party of 5, the hostess responded with 65 minute wait then all of a sudden scream into the phone, "fire in the kitchen!" and hung up. We ended up driving across the street from the restaurant to Carrabas and low and behold fire trucks were speeding to Outback and the entire restaurant was evacuated. The excitement didn't stop there... The manager of Carrabas apologized because our wait time ended up doubling which wasn't that big of a deal. Then, once we started to get our food, Matt found a piece of a a broken ceramic plate in his salad! Our waiter was a friend of his and said he'd let the manager know. As soon as she made it to our table, she said, "Not you guys again!" It was pretty funny. Luckily for her, we weren't too worried about either or the troubles. The manager chatted with us for awhile joking about how after Outback caught on fire all of the customers headed to Carrabas and a waiter walked out after venting to his table that he wasn't having a good day. Needless to say, the manager had her work cut out for her that night. Christmas day was spent with my dad's brother and his family in Kentucky. It's always nice to spend time with them since we don't see them a lot. My car was dropped off Christmas day too. All it needed was a big bow on top :) Just my luck though, I still haven't been able to drive it. It was fine when the mover dropped it off, but somehow yesterday morning the entire back windshield was shattered. It's being fixed tomorrow morning.
That's all the holiday excitement for now. I can't believe how warm it is here. Washington is getting inches and inches of snow and it reached nearly 60 degrees yesterday! I'm not complaining, it was definitely nice out, but just strange since it is the end of December. And, for anyone who's wondering, yes, I plan to keep this blog up as I continue to look for a new job. I'm sure I will have plenty of stories to tell, plus I with new friends across the country it's the perfect way to keep everyone in the loop.
This is what "boothing my show" means. It's the producer's desk in the control room where I follow along with the script and make sure everything is on time. I have a headset to listen and talk to the director. The long microphone is how I can talk to my anchors and let them know about any changes as the show evolves.

This is the view from the doorway leading into the control room. You can see another producer sitting at the desk and then on the right hand side is the director, graphics operator and audio person. Way back in the corner is where the tapes are handled.

And last, but not least a picture from our final farewell dinner. A handful of us gathered at PF Changs Saturday night to have one last outing together. What a great group of people to work with-I'm going to miss them!